Doe down Sunday Sept. 29th!! YES!!!!

very well said tndeerguy. agree 1000 percent. hunt first film 2nd. I also film hunts and film some of my own hunts I don't post them no interest to. I do it to reflect back on hunts and the memories of them. I hope you learn from it as I hope many other people do.
Only thing I'd have done different is nocked another arrow a lot faster. But with as much as that deer moved, I don't know if I could have taken a follow-up shot myself. I've shot moving deer, and that's how I gut shot deer, and I am not going to be quick to shoot a moving deer again because of it.

As for posting on youtube, I would have posted the video, but edited it, so people don't have to see the deer suffer. A groaning, half paralyzed deer is definitely fuel for anti-hunters. It bother me too much, because to me it's part of nature and the food chain, and I know an arrow does a more humane job than a pack of coyotes eating a live deer's guts as the deer is caught in a wire fence.

Spurhunter reminds me of two other members here, one of whom was banned... He's better than you, you have to hunt his way, or your are a bad name to hunting and should remove yourself from the internet. Just saying...

Oh and most importantly, congrats on the deer! Hope she eats good, and keep sharing your videos.
Had this happen last year. The deer fell and did not move so my follow up shot came quick. However, my follow up shot did not kill the deer instantly either so it's not like a follow up shot will correct the first shot or cause the deer to feel no pain. It still took a min for the deer to expire.

That being said, I too was wondering why there was no second shot. But it's hard to hit a moving target with an arrow.

Either way, congrats on your deer!
catman529 said:
Spurhunter reminds me of two other members here, one of whom was banned... He's better than you, you have to hunt his way, or your are a bad name to hunting and should remove yourself from the internet. Just saying...

I've never said I was better than anyone or anyone had to hunt my way. However, everyone should have ethics and be smart about what they post on the internet for the public to see. But, I know that won't happen. Everyone is more concerned about their 5 minutes of "fame" instead of preserving hunting.
bswarchery said:
Thank you for your input, now with respect I will provide my "2 cents" to your bashing or "busting my chops".
I see you have more hunting experience than I have. I started bowhunting in 2008 and have basically self taught all the skills I know to date with exception of a few guys along the way. I in no way have the desire to "intentionally" spine shoot a deer nor appreciate your accusatory style of commentary. It is with high respect to the deer and the sport of hunting to provide a well placed shot; and since you were not there to guide me, maybe I could have done better (hardly). I wonder how a deer that has an arrow shot perfectly say "double lung" and runs for a mile feels? Bet it is feeling what you stated "IT IS VERY PAINFUL TO THE ANIMAL...EXTREMELY PAINFUL" don't you think?
Also, if you took the time to listen on frame marker 1:06 I stated "I gotta get another arrow"... hmm sounds like my ethics are in order and had to evaluate some priorities first:
1- Calm down and relax to focus
2- Look for opportune shot (one never came available while in stand due to tree limbs and vegetation)
3 - I'm 15+ feet up in a climber, not gonna rush down in a hurry and risk making a foolish climbing mistake. (rather see my family outside of hospital walls)
4- When the deer rolled over, it shoved my arrow into it's lung therefore it died pretty quick compared to a gut shot deer!
So within the 97 seconds of the video, I think I did pretty good.
In no way am I looking for an online bashing deal, that's immature and plain stupid. We all can learn things from each other and having video's of our hunts help all of us to learn more of this great sport. My youngest son was able to view this and learn some things from my experience. When he goes out to hunt and has this happen to him, I will know that he will have both knowledge and understanding of how to deal with the deer and have the respect to try and provide the best shot placement at all times.
Hope this clears any misconception and any "harsh feelings" you may have towards me. I'm not a people pleaser but will not allow anyone to trash talk me from a hip shot reaction. Let's all be wise in our commentaries, we can either encourage or tear down.

My friend,
I was, and am accusing you of making a bad shot. Followed by a bad decision to focus on your reaction after the shot about being happy about making a bad shot. A shot that caused pain and suffering to an animal.

I have had VERY few deer run a mile after being double lung shot. In fact, I can think of none.
I HAVE had several deer reach up and snip a leaf or grab an acorn after having seen my arrow pass through both lungs, then fall over within seconds.

I am sure they felt a "sting" as the razor tipped arrow passed through.

I have also spine shot a few deer. But then, that happens occasionally to anyone.

Make no mistake, I am not criticizing you for making the spine shot on this deer. True, it was almost a miss or a wound, but it was almost a perfect shot as well.

What I am saying is that we can all learn from the mistake you made AFTER you shot this doe. You obviously did not concentrate on making a quick follow up shot. Instead, your focus was on your follow up video.

I realize you are a relative new comer to the sport and appreciate your passion. But we should all learn from your mistake. And if this was NOT a mistake (I do not see how from the video interpretation I received) we can still use this for a discussion on the importance of follow up shots.

If my comments offend you, so be it. I speak the truth as I see it. By your own admission, you are self taught. So was I, in 1981. Now I teach others. After 216 bow kills, several of which are very mature deer, please allow me to help you, and others. If I am too harsh in my writing, forgive me. I only want to help educate in the sport we all love.
If you or any others do not want any help, hit the ignore button.
Again, congrats on your kill. Boo on your follow up!
This is why I really enjoy TNDEER, at least when everybody can communicate and do a "round table discussion". 102, I do appreciate your reply, it is one that is a great lesson on many aspects from my posting, videoing, and mainly communication to/from members in this community. We all have things to learn and I have seen (now) that though it is permissable to post a video via youtube or whatever, it's not always ethical for the protection of our great sport or the feelings of others viewing. TNDeerGuy, you have replied to a few questions in the past for me and I thank you for your words. I do recognize that if put in the same spot, it's more important to follow up quickly on a second shot than the video itself. You speak well in your guidance and I do hope that one day I will have the chance to meet both you and 102 to swap some good stories over a mug of java! Thanks men, this is what TNDEER is to be about, learning!
Just my useless two cents worth. First off, congrats on the deer. Second, what's wrong with showing the bad as well as the good. If anyone thinks that deer hunting with bow or gun is going to be perfect. Then I'd like to see them walk on water also. It may have been a poor shot placement. But I don't think for one skinny second that BSW looked at this doe and thought , hmm. I think I'll spine shoot her. It was not intentional. But there are bad sides of hunting deer. If everyone doesn't see that along with the good how can new hunters possibly learn from anyone. I've hunted a long time. Made great shots. Good shots and nots so good shots. My sons have learned from a lot of my mistakes. Good or bad. My youngest got to learn this a few years ago when he spine shot a doe on a youth hunt. The doe was shot far back in the spine. Didn't come close to lethal. But he also forgot ( via my fault) to pack extra ammo. We had to cut this poor animals throat and believe me when I say we both shed tears over it. But it was a learning experience that neither forgot. The point is, there's going to be bad things happen if you deer hunt. The bad can and should be learned from by all. So as for this video, I really couldn't tell if there was even a follow up shot possible. The deer may not have stopped with vitals exposed. I glad you had the kahunas to put it up. I'm glad you got the deer. Congrats to you. Keep hunting and good luck on the next one.
1bow4me said:
Just my useless two cents worth. First off, congrats on the deer. Second, what's wrong with showing the bad as well as the good. If anyone thinks that deer hunting with bow or gun is going to be perfect. Then I'd like to see them walk on water also. It may have been a poor shot placement. But I don't think for one skinny second that BSW looked at this doe and thought , hmm. I think I'll spine shoot her. It was not intentional. But there are bad sides of hunting deer. If everyone doesn't see that along with the good how can new hunters possibly learn from anyone. I've hunted a long time. Made great shots. Good shots and nots so good shots. My sons have learned from a lot of my mistakes. Good or bad. My youngest got to learn this a few years ago when he spine shot a doe on a youth hunt. The doe was shot far back in the spine. Didn't come close to lethal. But he also forgot ( via my fault) to pack extra ammo. We had to cut this poor animals throat and believe me when I say we both shed tears over it. But it was a learning experience that neither forgot. The point is, there's going to be bad things happen if you deer hunt. The bad can and should be learned from by all. So as for this video, I really couldn't tell if there was even a follow up shot possible. The deer may not have stopped with vitals exposed. I glad you had the kahunas to put it up. I'm glad you got the deer. Congrats to you. Keep hunting and good luck on the next one.
I don't think anybody is ragging him for the initial shot. Everybody has made a bad one. My main concern is that he did not immediately nock another arrow. When deer hunting, your first priority should be the deer.
bswarchery said:
This is why I really enjoy TNDEER, at least when everybody can communicate and do a "round table discussion". 102, I do appreciate your reply, it is one that is a great lesson on many aspects from my posting, videoing, and mainly communication to/from members in this community. We all have things to learn and I have seen (now) that though it is permissable to post a video via youtube or whatever, it's not always ethical for the protection of our great sport or the feelings of others viewing. TNDeerGuy, you have replied to a few questions in the past for me and I thank you for your words. I do recognize that if put in the same spot, it's more important to follow up quickly on a second shot than the video itself. You speak well in your guidance and I do hope that one day I will have the chance to meet both you and 102 to swap some good stories over a mug of java! Thanks men, this is what TNDEER is to be about, learning!

And that, Tndeer friends, is how to make a classy follow up post.

Well done.

Again, my Tndeer friend, we all have, or will, spine shoot a deer. Gun OR bow.

It happens.

Also, to re-iterate, a spine "shocked" deer acts very much as this doe did. But do not be fooled.

Spine "shocked" deer can and WILL get up, run off, and "hurt your feelings". Most probably will recover and most probably not to be seen again.

bswarchery, thank you for posting an educational video clip.

We can all learn from it.

Maybe someday we will share a camp fire and a story or two.

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