Doe killing spree and bonus buck

My neighborhood deer just love to tempt fate.
This guy stands 20 yds away.
Had 13 deer between mine and my neighbors yard.
I've seen this guy on my trail cams and around my stand all season.
Curious to see what he sprouts next season.
I may take another doe or two, just haven't made up my mind.


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That's a busy couple of days and a lot of work. Great buck and congrats on time well spent with your daughter. Mine is also 22 (23 in about 6 weeks) and she never took up hunting. She used to kiss my deer heads mounted on the wall when she was little. 😆
Nice pile o' does, and it DOES look like a lot of work. One heckuva buck, as well.

I fully understand wanting to hunt with your kids while you can. I truly believe that my oldest daughter will never want to hunt on her own, and if that was her only option then she just wouldn't go (she only goes a few times per year as it is). My son may be different, though, and I won't really know how to act when he starts to show some independence in hunting. I'm sure that it will be mixed emotions. Good for you for not getting too focused on YOUR hunt to not be able to focus on what's really important.
It's been one of those seasons where life gets in the way of hunting. Between the kids ball and cheer activities on the weekends and having a bad case of the flu at Thanksgiving that still lingers with a bad cough, I had not even hunted in TN until this week. I did get to go on my annual KS bow hunt in early November though.

I had some leave I needed to use, and my oldest daughter didn't have to work this week, so we took off down to the farm on Monday to hopefully kill a few does (we have way too many this year).

We each killed 3 does Monday. My cameras showed a couple of decent bucks using a couple of plots in the evenings, so we had decided to hold off on shooting does Tuesday evening until last light in case a buck came out that she wanted to shoot. The plot had 14 does, fawns, and a couple of small bucks in it when a buck stepped out that got her heart pumping, so I told her to take it if she wanted. She made a good shot and he didn't go far.

Wednesday evening, she killed two more does. I was tired of gutting deer, and I was ready to get back home.

I was really surprised at the amount of fat in all the deer. I figured with the terrible drought we had at the farm this summer and complete mast crop failure, they would not be in such good shape. They have eaten the plots down pretty good, so I hope the rest of the winter isn't too harsh.

I'm sure we could have killed some more if we hunted separately. My daughter is 22, and has killed a lot of deer over the years, but she still wants to hunt with me. I will enjoy it while it lasts because I know sooner rather than later she'll have her own family and probably not get to hunt with me like she does now.

We donated all the deer to Hunters for the Hungry.

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That's a great job little lady
Congrats for the kills and thanks for feeding those less fortunate!! But mostly for the relationship that you have with your little girl!! That's what's most important!!
Congrats, sounds like a great time. Do you have a cooler to hold all the deer and do you process it all yourself?
Congrats! That's a great blessing. I hope my 9 y/o daughter will still want to do things with me when she's 22.

When I was her age, I never even knew a girl that hunted. That would have made dating life a lot easier if I had found