Does anywhere sell crickets near Peytonsville/Goose Creek Bypass exit in Williamson Co?


Nov 2, 2018
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I am going to be fishing tomorrow with my young son at a farm pond and need to find some crickets. Does anybody know if there is a gas station (or anywhere for that matter) near the Peytonsville Rd/Goose Creek Bypass exit on 65 that sells crickets? I've bought crickets from Petsmart before but they were really small and expensive for what you got.

I grew up using crickets and like using them much better than any type of worm but wondering if it's a little too early for crickets. If I have to I'll just run to Academy and get some worms as a last resort.
I haven't yet. We are heading out later this morning. There are two gas stations on the way that I'm going to check out. Will get some worms from Academy on the way just in case I can't find crickets.

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