DONE with Wildgame Innovations

My cams are getting moisture in them. I can dry them out on the dash of my truck and they start working again.....until the next time it rains.

Maybe I could put an umbrella over them. :crazy:
I own three of these pieces of junk, lets just say non of them work. Spread the word they will not even replace if you have reciept. They are a total waste of my time. I will never buy another mass produced cam. I also own a couple of firemanjims no issues.
I got about 12 of them to. I had 5 crap out on me this year that were all under a year old. After 3 or 4 calls to customer service some rude some not so nice and I basically had the same response you did. I wrote 2 emails being very friendly but pointing out how poor their product was and for a company that's suppose to have great customer service I was shocked and yada yada yada after the second email I guess I got the write person. Told me to send my bad ones in with an ID# he gave me and he sent me 6 new refurbished ones. That was in Sept all are still working so far but don't expect they'll make for much longer. I've been on the M80 blackflash lately and love them so far..
Here is what I use ...Ihave a bunch of them ....and they will last at least 5 years.Some are well into their second year


It just all depends ...The one above is a s600 a very good homebrew cameras are hard to come by.
But I can get a s40 for 30 or less Board is 40 Box is 20 glass and Batt. holders are 20
Since I have all the tools and most of the Misc. stuff Multi meter wire ect. I can do one for under 100 bucks.

OK I done this one for 60 bucks ...I give 7 bucks for the cam and used a walmart outdoor box ...about 7 bucks.

I guess I got the only two WGI's that work (knock on wood). Had one for 3 yrs and the other for 2.
I've got the other WGI that works. I've only had problems when the batteries are low. Seems to not want to turn on to display very well. Question for all of these problematic users: Are you buying brand new cameras or refurbished ones? I get e-mails from several marketing companies a week selling these refurbs for a fraction of new cost. I almost bought a no glow one the other day for $119.00 but resisted,lol.
I have two that are 4-5 years old that still work. I've had2 others that were junk. I stopped buying the product because of the TV show, though. Can't stand it!
Hunt 365 said:
I've got more than a dozen of these cams and have had more over the years. They used to be great for the $, and had great customer service when you had a dud.
The quality has gone to pot. Out of the last 6 I've bought, 3 have been duds in different ways. One won't turn on, the other the sensor works up to a whopping 5 feet, and the other one says on on the battery drains in about 3 days. One is a different model, so not unique to the model. Their customer service stinks now too, if you can get them to answer the phone. I was informed they have no way to repair their own products. And won't replace unless receipt within a yr (should've kept.) The guy on the phone wouldn't hardly listen to the problem. But they suggested I could take their product to a local camera shop and they maybe could help. THANKS FOR THE GENIUS ADVICE.
I know I got the discount up front with the cheap purchase price. But I will never buy another one, and wanted to pass my experience along to others. I suggest you look for deals on other brands, because I will.

Never was impressed with them so i have stayed away from them.....i have had good luck with Moultries and have had about 9 of them overall. Pretty reliable and i like their service for the most part. My one issue with them is that the Led goes out where you start getting a fade on the numbers and cannot tell what the cam is saying......they tell you that it isnt repairable and offer a refurb at a very decent replacement price and for me that is a good deal so i have been using them now for about 7 years. I like the M80's but that flash scares the daytime pics. and the excellent battery life with the AA's
Unfortunately, I'm in the same situation. I've had mine for about 2 years. Put new batteries in it the other day and it won't turn on. I hit the reset button and the screen will show up for about 3 seconds and go blank. It's been a year since I've used it. Been stored in the garage- no moisture problems. I haven't called them yet. What do you guys recommend as far as trying to get them to replace it. I'm sure I can't find my receipt. What's a good reliable camera under $100?

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