Don't ya' hate it when.....


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2005
Reaction score
Crossville, TN., U.S.A.
you nick a vane. I was out shooting earlier and got a bit close and nicked one of the vanes on my Epics. Now I've got to spend .50 cents to have Greg put a new vane on it. Well, guess it'll give me something to do tomorrow and while I'm out I can run by the Unemployment office. Once I get back to work I'll pick up an inexpensive fletching jig and some spare vanes to keep on hand so I can fix it myself. I like to be self sufficient.
Just about all of mine are chipped or nicked.

I usually use the quik fletch from NAP. So I just cut off the old one and put on new.
My head just ain't in the game this a.m., went out and shot a bit. Not doing real well then I pull one low thru a plastic bucket that I sit my bag target on. Well, it cut up two vanes so now I've got two arrows with vanes that'll need to be replaced. I really need to get into a fletching jig and spare vanes if this is going to keep happening with any regularity.
Usually when I "nick" vane I continue shooting it unless I notice significant compromised flight.

I don't trust myself to replace just one vane. It's hard to get the precice spot and I've never been one to "eyeball" and call it good. I usually strip it down and refletch the whole thing.
outbackhunter2010 said:
i love the quickfletch blazers
I saw those. I just wonder if a 2" vane would stabilize my arrow out of a 240fps bow. Don't you need to be shooting something faster for such a small vane to work or do ya'll think it'd work? If it would it might be worth switching to em' then keeping a few extra around for those times when I mess up a vane. It'd be an easy fix, that's for sure.
Yep, I called Greg and he said a 240fps bow should work ok with a 2" vane. That may be the way I'll end up going. That way I won't have to spend $20 bucks on a fletching jig + getting vanes.
Now I just need to come up with the money to get a couple three sets of QuikFletch vanes and install em' on my arrows then keep a few back for fixing any problems that come up in the future.
I've never paid much attn to knicked vanes. Take a pair of scissors to the vane and go on about business. As long as there isn't a "tag" hanging off of the knicked part, the arrow should still fly true. Heck i used to have an arrow with only 2 vanes and it always seemed like it was the best flier out of the bunch!
These were pretty much tore up. I know with feathers you can get by with them being beat up quite a bit but plastic vanes will change point of impact quite a bit if they're messed up much at all.