Drones, unbelievable

But, people are using cell cams to kill deer in real time.
No doubt about it. And turkeys too. Maybe not enough to matter in the grand scheme of things, but generally speaking, people want the easiest route to completion/success. If a cellular game camera is the ticket, and they have the time to pursue game at a moment's notice, many will capitalize on it.
How would this be any different than people using cell cams to tell them when a deer is in their food plot? And, cell cams are a heck of a lot cheaper than these thermal drones. At least the price of these drones keeps the majority of us out of the game.
One of reasons that we don't allow cams on plots during bow, ML & gun season.
Before anyone jumps to the conclusion that I'm wanting TWRA to outlaw cell cams, drones, and whatever future technology shows up next, I'm not. With CWD spreading eastward across the state, I don't see TWRA wanting to reduce the deer kill in any manner. I just think it's a good idea, as hunters, that we have these conversations.
I think the conversations are imperative. Being willingly ignorant over a specific aspect is never a good thing when your passionate about something.
Between getting paid for the recovery, and youtube/merch income - it's an investment.

His videos are getting 100K plus views and he's relatively new to the game. That's $200-$300 per video, but could easily be a lot more if he picks up steam.

He's gonna make that 20K back in short order.

Plus he really seems to love it.

Figure in the offseason he has a lot of options: commercial drone videography (pays really well), Search and Rescue, finding lost pets, etc.
Back at the start of Covid when I got out of the Home Inspection business, drones were being pushed as a way to inspect roofs with out the risk of climbing up multiple stories with a ladder. Couple that with the infrared and you can also find hot spots on your roof as part of an energy loss program.

Payback pretty quick
Back at the start of Covid when I got out of the Home Inspection business, drones were being pushed as a way to inspect roofs with out the risk of climbing up multiple stories with a ladder. Couple that with the infrared and you can also find hot spots on your roof as part of an energy loss program.

Payback pretty quick
I remember when some were pretty upset and said they would shoot those down. 🤣
And some did and got arrested.
I'd like to have a drone fitted with a mini gun. That would solve a lot of my problems.

Not a fan of drones in general, but I understand their importance in this scenario.
I wanted one of these, but the wife told me no.......

I'm not trying to be argumentative. Judging by one of your posts above, #33, we pretty much see eye to eye on how the boundaries of ethics are being stretched. But, people are using cell cams to kill deer in real time.

You're right. That is hard to argue with. What on earth would somebody really glean from doing that? Wouldn't seem very rewarding to me, or even feel like a "hunt" for that matter. Might as well buy some antlers off ebay. Takes about the same skill & would be cheaper than the cell cams and food plots. I sure wouldn't be bragging about it.

Before anyone jumps to the conclusion that I'm wanting TWRA to outlaw cell cams, drones, and whatever future technology shows up next, I'm not. With CWD spreading eastward across the state, I don't see TWRA wanting to reduce the deer kill in any manner. I just think it's a good idea, as hunters, that we have these conversations.

I understand exactly what you're saying and I agree with you. Legal or not, some things simply cross the line of reason. These conversations do indeed need to happen. But recognizing an issue is only half of the job.The other half is correcting it. How do we do that?
I understand exactly what you're saying and I agree with you. Legal or not, some things simply cross the line of reason. These conversations do indeed need to happen. But recognizing an issue is only half of the job. The other half is correcting it. How do we do that?
That would be the million dollar answer. Having open and intelligent discussions, like this one, is a good start. I think expressing our opinions before the technologic advances can become a problem helps.
yeah they are cool and they would be a great tool for recovery, but 100% be used in hunting. Dude sitting in a stand would use it to watch other parts of the farm and could make a move if the right situation occurred.
We already have a version of that going on with folks using the cell phone cameras. There were some nice deer taken this year as a direct result of those cameras.

Way beyond fair chase for me.
To me, it appears very possible to stalk in and kill some of this drone spotted deer. You already have one of the biggest pieces to the puzzle solved, that is where the deer is in real time. If the terrain is conducive just play the wind. Have the pilot send you updates, the pilot could literally watch you and the deer simultaneously. People already do in big open country with spotting scopes and walkie talkies, this is just that on steroids'.
Drones are being used already. I have a buddy with one that didn't cost to much and it flies and you can see like a half a mile range or something like that and I bet a lot of money turkeys are getting killed because of them. On the cell cameras I use them. I personally don't have them where I live I am 45 minutes away from mine. But it would not surprise me at all if they get banned in 4 or 5 years. I use them and honestly they have never got me a deer no more than a regular camera. But for some they are deadly on deer and turkeys as well. Honestly for me as well if they get banned or some guide lines I wouldn't be upset. I am on the side of the argument that says the majority of people using them aren't killing deer as posted above. But it is putting people in spots they may not hunt otherwise. But if my experience with deer hunters and properties in tn most people don't have 10 or 15 spots they have 1 to 3 maybe 5 spots to kill deer so they would probably get killed anyway. The discussion for sure needs to happen asap. I think all of this is coming quick. Also thermal scopes probably need to be added to the discussion. I know 2 people with them now I personally have no idea if they are legal never researched it but they are using them.
Pretty amazing and in the hands of a civilian. Even more capability will follow to the public. And in turn the public will figure out how to use those advances for good and bad. Same in the medical field
Also thermal scopes probably need to be added to the discussion. I know 2 people with them now I personally have no idea if they are legal never researched it but they are using them.
What they did this year in hordes was drive up and down in front of my house at night while scanning mine and my neighbor's property with thermal optics and some of them fired high powered rifles at my house and my neighbors from the street. Never seen anything like it before in my life. If i had kevlar i would've slept in it. Let's hope TWRA closes the loophole that is causing that problem before someone gets killed. I was worried about it every night.
Interesting idea and use. Cool that they are recovering unfound deer. Bet it is costly.

When the audio went to the odd "language", it was both the drone operator and the hunter, thought maybe they sped up the rate of the video/audio.
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