This has been the greatest, craziest year that I have ever seen. Between myself and two kids, we have killed 9 bucks (2 statewide and 1 bonus per) that were all 2.5 plus.
I found some acorns in KY but have not seen the first acorn here. I can normally walk enough and find a hot tree on bad acorn years but the closest I have come is one tree with about 10 fresh caps underneath it the day before juvenile. Our normal seeking phase here is the second week of muzzleloader with heavy chasing the week of Thanksgiving.
This year, I saw two chases on the opening day of muzzleloader. The first one was a good buck from what I could tell but too thick for a shot. The second one, I think was a good buck, but thick as well. I ended up killing one at 9:15 that morning just out feeding. When I skinned him out for a Euro, he was full of green stuff that he was browsing on in the woods. I will add that I spent the day before covering a ton of ground looking for general deer sign, tracks, and scrapes in traditional rut travel spots to pinpoint where I was hunting the next morning. I told my son that I found 31 scrapes that day with 30 of them being on one scrape line. That's honestly not too far from the truth. The deer weren't running the scrape line but there.
During the second week of muzzleloader, I walked into a place that I hadn't been in several years. I found about 10 to 15 scrapes, a bunch of general sign, and a few rubs. I went there opening morning of gun season on a funnel and killed a good 9 pt following a doe. My daughter killed one the same morning at 10:05 out in a field feeding.
To put it into perspective, I covered a ton of territory walking in a few weeks period and seen about 50 scrapes, however, 40 of them were in two places.
I'm not really sure what my point is, lol, but just a weird year with early chasing, no acorns, etc. Seasons for me are generally tougher without some red oaks, but this one has been extremely good so far in terms of success.
My son and I are going back to KY this weekend that would be great to top the year off with another good buck.
My mzl buck full of green.