A cheap call, easy, is a mallard magic. Lares hybrid, or T 1 is the best . Beginner's will do best with a double reed. Lots of cheaper doubles out there. Stepping up to a single reed is like riding a bike without training wheels. Much more air control involved. I would never have thought a call maker such as lares, especially from California, would produce a call that is so good sounding as the hybrid, or T1, with a simple reed selection which all lengths sound so different. Lares take a lot of practice, different air presentation to blow. The whine they produce is unequalled on the end of the hail . All you experienced guys already know, its knowing when to call, when not that matters. Another one l liked was RNT. I knew Butch personally, love the older RNTs. Went over to his shop yrs ago on a Sunday, he ran four of us all calls. Had hrs of fun with John, Big Jim, Antonio, all past world champions, great callers, hunters. I ran a older Daisy Cutter Butch made for me. Killed alot of ducks over it. Still have it in my collection. Also loved Mike Mclemore. He was a good friend. Have some of his first runs of the little double reeds from wood. Another previous world champion, sounded as much like a duck as anyone l ever hunted with. Sorry, l got a lil carried away bout calls, some great callers