larry ipock
Well-Known Member
You were 60 yards from a deer with a rifle in your hands and you tried to move closer?
Like I said, I was cocky in those days. And yes, Big Pop, he should have been, it's a shot I could have made easily.
You were 60 yards from a deer with a rifle in your hands and you tried to move closer?
Hunting in a Baker stand. Need I go on?
Thought if this stand holds in a tree now, why not sharpen the v-bar like a lawn mower and it will really be safe. Hours later when time to come out of the pine tree on Carter mountain that stand bit into the bark so deep I couldn't get it to break free. After a hour of trying , I jumped to a smaller tree beside me and slid down. Stand is probably still there.
Holy s***!I once shot a 9 pt with my muzzelloader and the it needed another the excitement I loaded another and shot....However i left the ram rod in the muzzel smh!!!! i could've died I guess
never found it lolHoly s***!
Have to ask... What was left of the ram rod???
I once shot a 9 pt with my muzzelloader and the it needed another the excitement I loaded another and shot....However i left the ram rod in the muzzel smh!!!! i could've died I guess
Primitive Bow Rifle?never found it lol
The deer slowly walked away and I never found it! When i shot the ram rod out it felt like it blew my hand off!!!! on the bright side it saved me $250 for a mountDoes that technically qualify as an archery kill?
I've seen several deer when leaving the stand.Getting out of stand after having a 30 min argument with myself on not to do it. Never fails, start climbing down and deer spook.
Actually, this happens more often while turkey hunting. Thinking a bird had left and stopped gobbling, stand up and he flies off.