When I set my seedlings outside I take the nut off the tree. I recommend planting in the fall. I plant end of October or first of November. When I plant I water in real heavy then do nothing until March when I clean out the tube. Trees go dormant but here in south central KY ground doesn't freeze so you get a little root growth during winter. That gives them a little jump start for the following summer when less rain. I use a 40"x40" plastic weed mat and use 5' tree tubes. Mat keeps soil moist and no competition from grass or weeds. Tubes protect from rabbits and deer plus condense in hot weather for moisture. I have never watered any of my 360 trees. I don't let my trees branch until they are out of the 5' tube. Then branches for the most part are out of deers reach.That is really cool stuff!!! I tried this one time and set them outside and the squirrels got all of them dug out.
I planted 7 bare root chestnuts from Whitetail Hill earlier this spring. Hoping they take off. I'd like to do this and get more planted