That is really unusual!
That's really interesting. I've hunted in middle tn and east tn. A little bit in midwest tn, I've never seen that. A friend of mine hunted at AEDC years ago and told me that the deer there were tiny.For the area maybe, but around here it's pretty normal. I got a call from taxidermist this morning about my deer. He said the form I picked won't work because the deer's neck is too short. Full rutty neck but too short for a shoulder mount that shows brisket. He said it's not uncommon for my area. I giggled because I already knew that. The deer was a 5yr old 10pt that wasn't as big as a lot of yearlings.
First year TN had the velvet hunt I shot the 10pt in the picture. On trail cam and on hoof he looked like a big buck. And proportionately his rack is big for his body. But I'd be surprised if he weighed 100lbs. My brother was visiting from Ohio and was hunting with me. He burst into hysterical laughter when we walked up on the buck. On trail cam the buck looked like a big 10pt, but he's used to that deer up there being 250lbs.
I've tried telling folks about these mini deer but nobody seems to grasp it until they see it in person. They look like deer. They act like deer. They're just half the size. I don't believe it's dwarfism. But I don't know what it is. I've been told it's from reintroduction but I've also heard credible sources say it can't be. So who knows? Nonetheless, parts of the state have a variety of miniature deer.
That's really interesting. I've hunted in middle tn and east tn. A little bit in midwest tn, I've never seen that. A friend of mine hunted at AEDC years ago and told me that the deer there were tiny.
Absolutely beautiful animalBackstory: In 2021 I started getting pictures of a deer that I figured was 3 1/2 years old and had a rack that was somewhere around 115-120 inches. I watched him that season to see what he would become. Summer 2022 I immediately start getting pictures of him again and he had put on about 10 inches. My first thoughts weren't on his rack, but about how huge his body looked. Everyone who saw pictures of this deer all said the same thing…he just looked like a massive deer. Keep in mind he was never in pictures with other deer so you couldnt really compare his body size.
2 days ago I ended up killing this deer and as soon as I walked up to him I was completely in shock. This deer was TINY. My first thought was that it looked like my golden retriever. I had a buddy come help me drag and he immediately started laughing at the size of this deer. After getting it out of the woods we weighed it and it weighed in at a whopping 100 pounds field dressed and stood only 34 inches tall at his shoulder. His nose was about 2 inches shorter than every deer I have on the wall. He still had an impressive rack gross scoring 125".
Has anyone had any similar experience with deer that seem almost miniature? I will try to include trail cam pictures and the best picture showing his actual size. This is in the East TN mountains for reference.
I use to work at AEDC (when i was in college) 3 days a week. I would notice that deer were tiny. I figured it was that their was no ag around and lots of pinesYeah I hunt outside of AEDC but within a few miles of it. A biologist out there was actually one of the people who told me it's because of deer that were introduced and released on base. There were several places the deer came from. I don't recall them all but south TX was one of them.
It's crazy. Just a few miles north towards Murfreesboro or east to the plateau, west and south toward Franklin Co. and deer are pretty normal size. I even see a few here that are normal size. But most right around Manchester and AEDC are teenie weenie.
I saw a big racked 12 pt at the processor one time, but the body was very small. I asked "AEDC"?, and the processor said yep.I use to work at AEDC (when i was in college) 3 days a week. I would notice that deer were tiny. I figured it was that their was no ag around and lots of pines