
I scouted a WMA in Alabama yesterday and put 20 miles on my bike. I only drive on the road and around fields but I can get around much quicker then with a 4wheeler. The deer and turkey don't know what to do when they see me and some would let me within 20 yards before the would run. I live on a dirt road with 400 acres of land so I use mine all the time. I bought the Rad Rover for $1500 and $200 to upgrade the controller. My top speed is 26 MPH and I can pull any hill I've seen at 20MPH with about 25+ miles range on a charge. The only thing that I should have done different was buy the step through bike (girls bike) because these bikes are much larger than my mountain bike and even at 6'4" it hard to step over if I have anything on the rack.
I am planning on mountain bike approach for stealth 🥷 effect this year but admit I don't need electric since it's relatively flat where I am. Look forward to hearing reports on it though. I would've paid the money for one a few years back antelope hunting Wyoming walk-in areas.
I have a Rambo and just bought a Predator that is made in Canton, Ms. Both are good bikes. Don't buy a 500 watt. Go 750 or pay much more for 1000 watt. RAD bikes are very good and run around $1500 vs others for $2500 and up.
I have a Rambo and just bought a Predator that is made in Canton, Ms. Both are good bikes. Don't buy a 500 watt. Go 750 or pay much more for 1000 watt. RAD bikes are very good and run around $1500 vs others for $2500 and up.
I did 6 equal payment months same as cash using Aspire. I think RAD bike is a better deal now and better bike than 3 years ago too.
Any of y'all use a e-bike to get around hunting properties?
They all seem pretty pricey
It would be nice if just the hunters here who actually have an electric bike or have ridden one would comment. That way you'll get a better assessment then just an opinion of others who don't. Evidentially you've priced them and realize the cost and you're still interested. All I can say is that it was money well spent for me. I check cameras, scout, and hunt on mine besides riding it around the house. If mine broke today I'd buy another one tomorrow without hesitation. Good luck in your decision.
I scouted a WMA in Alabama yesterday and put 20 miles on my bike. I only drive on the road and around fields but I can get around much quicker then with a 4wheeler. The deer and turkey don't know what to do when they see me and some would let me within 20 yards before the would run. I live on a dirt road with 400 acres of land so I use mine all the time. I bought the Rad Rover for $1500 and $200 to upgrade the controller. My top speed is 26 MPH and I can pull any hill I've seen at 20MPH with about 25+ miles range on a charge. The only thing that I should have done different was buy the step through bike (girls bike) because these bikes are much larger than my mountain bike and even at 6'4" it hard to step over if I have anything on the rack.
The step through is a must if available!
I have been considering one for wma hunting. I'm just need to find out th e legalities of using one.
My advice if you plan on hunting for several more years get the best you can afford...buy once, cry once.

My bike is 1000W Bafang MidDrive motor with a Sturmey Archer internal gear 3 speed rear hub so I have no derailleur hanging down to get hung up on stuff....I'm a bigger guy, 230 pounds and I have a custom made rear rack for the treestand and my bike can haul me, gun / bow; back-pack and a Summit Viper anywhere I want to go at Ames Plantation....when I kill a deer, I take the gun/bow and the stand back to the truck, hitch my deer cart to the bike and ride back to get the deer...

I shot 3 does one morning about 3-4 miles from the truck and I rode in and out 4 times....I'd have never hunted there on foot.

If I knew how to post a video, I would show one of the bike in action.
I'm also wondering about steep logging trails over here in east Tn. I hate to buy one drive back in there and have the hill sides suck the battery down. And have to use it like a 150 dollar mountain bike.
I concur with Andy and DavidK. They are indispensable where we hunt. You almost can't hunt without them. At the lower price range the mid drive models are $2500 and they go up from there. But they do replace an ATV for hunting. So, in that regard they are cheaper than an ATV for transportation in and out.
The only thing that I should have done different was buy the step through bike (girls bike) because these bikes are much larger than my mountain bike and even at 6'4" it hard to step over if I have anything on the rack.
Sage advice for sure. I am 6' 2" and feel l like I am on a lifted bike when riding one. An older buddy of mine (5' 10") sold his e-bike because he could not "flat foot it" like he could dirt bikes back in his younger days. It would go near 30 mph with him on it and he felt like it would eventually throw him because his feet could not touch the ground in dicey situations.
Thanks for the videos. Do you even have to pedal?
No. The computer has "pedal assist" which turns on the motor when it senses any movement in the pedals...I'm actually exerting no energy at all pulling any of those deer out. When I stop pedaling, the motor stops supplying power until I start pedaling again.

If you don't feel like moving your feet at all, the bikes also have a "throttle" where you can just give it juice and take off...I have a twist grip on the right handlebar grip so its just like an electric motorcycle.
I concur with Andy and DavidK. They are indispensable where we hunt. You almost can't hunt without them. At the lower price range the mid drive models are $2500 and they go up from there. But they do replace an ATV for hunting. So, in that regard they are cheaper than an ATV for transportation in and out.
I hadn't even started my 4 wheeler for about 2 years.....
My advice if you plan on hunting for several more years get the best you can afford...buy once, cry once.

My bike is 1000W Bafang MidDrive motor with a Sturmey Archer internal gear 3 speed rear hub so I have no derailleur hanging down to get hung up on stuff....I'm a bigger guy, 230 pounds and I have a custom made rear rack for the treestand and my bike can haul me, gun / bow; back-pack and a Summit Viper anywhere I want to go at Ames Plantation....when I kill a deer, I take the gun/bow and the stand back to the truck, hitch my deer cart to the bike and ride back to get the deer...

I shot 3 does one morning about 3-4 miles from the truck and I rode in and out 4 times....I'd have never hunted there on foot.

If I knew how to post a video, I would show one of the bike in action.
What bike do you have?