East side squirrel hunters..

With season fast approaching, I'm seeing if anyone is interested in doing some squirrel hunting. Straight to the point, I have no one to hunt with. My daughter will occasionally...when she's not at work. My schedule is pretty tight because of taking care of the boy. Monday and Thursday are really my only possible days...and the occasional school holiday. I have a good place to hunt in eastern Grainger county...lots of grays and fox.
Because of health issues, I don't like being in remote places alone. So....if interested, please let me know.
I'll hunt with you. I just spent my first ever hunt with nothing to show for it. So I'd be happy to learn from someone
I'll hunt with you. I just spent my first ever hunt with nothing to show for it. So I'd be happy to learn from someone
I appreciate the offer and would look forward to taking you up on it. However...since I made that post, I've gone through chemo, and just had surgery a few weeks ago...still recovering. Another surgery coming up in about a month, so I don't even know if I'll be up for the spring season. Time will tell I guess.
I appreciate the offer and would look forward to taking you up on it. However...since I made that post, I've gone through chemo, and just had surgery a few weeks ago...still recovering. Another surgery coming up in about a month, so I don't even know if I'll be up for the spring season. Time will tell I guess.
Gosh I'm sorry to hear that. Wishing you a speedy recovery.

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