
Worst die-off I've ever seen in TN was the 2007 outbreak. I was assisting the TWRA with their thermal imaging surveys at the time, and we were doing Williamson County. At night, you could tell how close we were getting to a creek or pond by the gagging stench of dead deer. The next year, in eastern Williamson County, we couldn't buy a deer sighting using thermal imaging. I suspect that area experienced a 70-80% die-off. Over in western Middle TN, centered on Hickman County, I suspect most herds experienced a 30-50% die-off.

I haven't seen anything like it since, although I heard from clients in the Hickman and Perry County area that they felt they had an equal die-off in 2019.
Clay county had a huge dieoff!!
we couldn't find ONE acorn last year. Zero
We didn't even have a single hickory nut, much less an acorn. Squirrels were cutting pine cones in Sept & completely moved off of us by Dec. Have one hollow that has an old home place in it with 10-12 walnut trees. First time in 21 years that none of them bared.
Thankfully this is looking like a banner year for white & red oaks.
We didn't even have a single hickory nut, much less an acorn. Squirrels were cutting pine cones in Sept & completely moved off of us by Dec. Have one hollow that has an old home place in it with 10-12 walnut trees. First time in 21 years that none of them bared.
Thankfully this is looking like a banner year for white & red oaks.
We had the same situation. No acorns, no nuts, blackberries failed, no persimmons, no Muscadine grapes. Nothing. And to make matters worse, our food plots completely failed. Worst deer season we've ever had, and the deer we did have on the place were in the worst shape I've ever seen. I'm really worried about what shape they'll be in this year. They couldn't have made it through winter in good shape.