Well-Known Member
Agreed and understand... that being said, other states designate 10 to 35% of tags go to nonresidents, even on species such as moose, bighorn sheep, or mountain goats.I understand your desire as an out of stater that you would want a bigger piece of the pie, and as a resident I would be more amenable to it if it wasn't such a limited resource. I may put in all of my life wanting to kill a TN elk and never get drawn. I can hunt elk in other places multiple times in my lifetime if I wanted, but they are not TN elk from my state of residence, nor are they so close to home.
More and more western states are cutting their tag pools for out of staters, and their herd sizes are immensely larger than TN's. I don't know why TN has increased their allowances for out of staters for such a limited resource.
In the TN elk draw, it's literally been less than 1% of tags since inception that nonresidents have drawn.
I have never been able to find the published resident to nonresident draw ratio for TN elk. I'm assuming it's 'up to 10%' of available tags instead of '10% of tags to nonresidents'... otherwise we wouldn't have had 10 to 15 years of draws with zero nonresidents drawn until last year. I believe last year was the FIRST time ever a nonresident was drawn since inception.
If it were like all the western draws, 8 of 10 tags annually would go to residents, and 2 of 10 tags would go to nonresidents each year.
Or just tell nonresidents don't apply... you are not eligible to apply.... Elk are for TN residents only. I'd be satisfied with that.... although it doesn't cost me a dime to apply since I have a lifetime license, it seems TN is seeking NR application fees when they really don't have any chance of actually drawing. It also seems TWRA wants the NRs bidding on the auction tag as well to drive up the price.
We are getting to the point where most folks are getting fed up with the whole 'elk hunting' in TN thing. Millions of dollars spent reintroducing them 20 years ago, and here we are only allowing 11 tags a year. At this point, the herd should have reached a population where there should be 100 tags available... maybe we should kill off all the elk and try fallow deer or bison or some other gimmick instead.