timberjack86 said:
Well theres really only one way of looking at it.Its public land and he has every right to be there as anyone.As Long as he isnt doing anything illegal.I know it's frustrating but when you get out of the truck at daylight on public land you can bet you are going to have run in's with other hunters.I have been known to drive the roads and try to get a gobbler fired up when the action is slow but I would never even think about calling in an area were a another hunter is hunting. I had that happen twice at aedc last year while I was working birds.Needless to say I didnt kill the birds.
You are right and I only hunt public land here in TN, and have gotten used to dealing with folks. I have also matured some over the years, and realize that I could take one of two paths. One would lead to an ugly confrontation where no one wins, and every one is mad. Or I could take the high road, and just be friendly.
As I age I usually resort to option 2, and it makes for happier days.
I generally don't get to worked up over hunter interference on public land, it comes with the territory, but like most there is always something that could push me over the edge. Generally as long as I feel no safety was in jeopardy I live and let live.