Ever seen this before?

The dark marks behind the eyes are pretty common on does. I'm not sure why some have such dark tarsal glands, but I killed an old doe by herself back in December that had the dark hocks and she stunk like a rutting buck. Not sure why. She was carrying a fawn too
As for the gunshot, I tell people all the time that bullets do not always travel in a straight line once the come in contact with something, especially bone. I've looked at a bullet path through a deer where the bullet made two 90-degree turns when hitting bone.
My dad shot a deer once and the bullet went in and came out the same side. If I wouldn't have poked my finger in both entry and exit I wouldn't have believed it.
My dad shot a deer once and the bullet went in and came out the same side. If I wouldn't have poked my finger in both entry and exit I wouldn't have believed it.
That's why I always laugh at conspiracy theorists about the JFK assassination. They point out problems with the bullet trajectories. You can't draw a straight line through some of the hits. Of course not. Bullets do crazy things, with the worst instances being rib hits.
It's unusual that a hard to kill doe suddenly started stomping her foot at danger. This behavior could be associated with CWD at some level. Are you planning on getting her tested?
I disagree. I have hunted and killed many mature does that were smart old mommas. And I mean every hunter there was trying to kill the "doe" that ruined many hunts. Not only would they stomp their feet, they would blow and raise all kinds of heck, and all the while never giving an opportunity for a shot. To many times to count and long before CWD was even heard of here.