Factory 308 ammo for hunting

The Hornady American Whitetail ammo shoots great in my rifle. It shoots sub 1" groups at 100 yards from the bench.
What is your experience with these? I shot 2 deer these fragmented on both deer have you had this experience?
you've Killed deer with them? how far?
I've killed several deer with them, all were less than 80 yards. I've shot several hogs as well, none of them very far at all.
What is your experience with these? I shot 2 deer these fragmented on both deer have you had this experience?
I haven't had a problem with them fragmenting. I sent the deer to the processor; but didn't notice any fragmentation.

I haven't shot the 150 grain bullets, I thought they were 180 grain, but might be 165, I'll have to recheck that to be sure.
how many deer have u killed with them? how far was shot and how far did deer run afterwards?
At least 40. My longest shot was across the valley on my favorite WMA 476 yards. Closest shot was 10 yards. Most Deer don't run. Max run I would say was 40-50 yards. Sub moa all day. Pigs don't like them either. Shot one this year she never took a step.
At least 40. My longest shot was across the valley on my favorite WMA 476 yards. Closest shot was 10 yards. Most Deer don't run. Max run I would say was 40-50 yards. Sub moa all day. Pigs don't like them either. Shot one this year she never took a step.
Outstanding info thank you!
Have never killed with a 308 but just purchased a BAR MK3 DBM with 18 inch barrel and walnut furniture. All the factory ammo in 150, 165, and 180 grain weights has shot very well. I just reloaded some of the empty cases with some Core-lokt 150 and 170 grain round nose over 42.6 grains of IMR-4895. Both are very accurate as well. My experience with round nose Core-lokt bullets in 270, 30-30, 32 Special, 30-40 Krag, 300 Savage, 30 Remington, 32 Remington, 35 Remington, 35 Winchester, and 30-06 has been excellent. I have killed beer with all but two of those calibers. I think the 170 grain round nose Core-lokt will be an excellent woods load for the 308. Hopefully, I'll find out this coming fall!
My Chilean Mauser(my go to deer rifle) likes 150 grain federal champion(blue box) factory loads just fine, but won't group with the 180s. My SFAR hates the 150s but shoots well with the 180s. Haven't shot a deer with the SFAR, and the longest shot I have taken with the mauser was 165 yards. Most deer have only gone about 40 yards tops.
There are so many good answers. Obviously I reload, and my rifle(s) really like(s) 165s, but my kids have killed deer with 110 TTSXs, 125 NABs, and 125 NBTs in 308 and 30-06 with great success. Me and my fam have used Hornady interlocks, Sierra Gamekings, Sierra Tipped Gamekings, Fusions, SSTs, etc all to great effect (or is it affect @Bambi Buster ?) in numerous other cartridges and calibers in various different velocity windows. You should be fine with most factory ammo that your gun likes (except for 150s… @MUP likes those in his 30-06 and I razz him about them 🤣)

I think that you should find what your rifle likes, then pick your shots based upon how the bullet is constructed… ie shoot behind the shoulder with the softer cup and cores, shoot shoulders with bonded or monos. Deer will die
Confused Trailer Park Boys GIF
I used 140gr TGKs in a factory Sig Elite Hunter ammo in my .270 this season. First deer that I have killed with factory ammo in a long time. Those bullets worked well. I wouldn't hesitate to use 165 TGKs in a factory 308 load, and a few mfgs use them in factory offerings

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