Fall Away or Whisker Biscuit

I have contemplated the same thing but came to the conclusion that simple is better! I always worry about the cable breaking or the rest sticking, no concerns with the WB and having been a competitive shooter for many years I feel the WB is accurate enough for 99% of the shooters out there leave the complicated moving parts to the pros and the range!
I used a wb for a long time and refused to change for the same reason mentioned on here. Finally I did buy a rip cord. I will never go back to the wb! Have had the rip cord for several years now and have never adjusted or had it fail to drop with me. It has worked perfectly. My groups tightened up and my fletching doesn't get tore up. If you drop your arm any at all during the shot using the wb it will change arrow impact. The less the time of contact the arrow has with the bow the more forgiving it will be. Same reason a longer brace height is more forgiving. Once set right you should never have to touch a good drop away like the rip cord.
After initially having a Whisker Biscuit, I switched to the Ripcord and love it! It did help my groups, not that they were bad; but it did improve them. It is full containment much like the Biscuit, without anything touching the vanes. I also had a problem with my Biscuit getting ice crystals in it and squeaking when I drew back on really, really cold mornings. All that being said, I will never have anything except for a Ripcord on any bow I ever own.
DUCK37101 said:
I have a lot of flexibility with my WB when I move around a lot and do a lot of still hunting. The WB allows my arrow to stay in one place and NOT drop out.

Just like a Ripcord, except the Ripcord doesn't tear my fletchings up. No way the arrow can come out unless you pull the cord to drop the rest. Groups are a little better with the Ripcord, but not enough to matter IMO. Just like nice straight fletchings on my arrows instead of gnarly warped and torn ones like I got with the WB.
Check out the hostage pro if you like the WB.Never used a fall away so I can't comment on it but the hostage pro is like a WB without the vane damage and noise.