Fall seasons gone for some counties?

Fall turkey hunting makes about as much sense as fall deer hunting. But it's 10 times more fun.

My problem is that I can't ever find time to go deer hunting if turkey season is open somewhere I can go.
hawglips said:
Fall turkey hunting makes about as much sense as [color:#FF0000]FALL[/color] SPRING deer hunting.
Here, fixed it for you. :D

To me, it's about the STRUT or the RUT.
And there ain't no turkey strut in the fall, and there ain't no deer rut in the spring.

How many turkey hunters would be willing to forfeit, day for day, spring turkey hunting days for fall turkey hunting days?

I'm sure the answer any of us who enjoy fall turkey hunting can say is, "Don't have to". But the reality remains that if we harvest more turkeys in the fall there will be fewer in the spring (generally speaking), so fall hunting does take away from spring hunting. I know, totally different experience, but I'd rather hunt something else in the fall. SO MANY different things you can hunt in the fall, but what besides turkeys in the spring?

I do understand and respect our differences in opinions.
Wes Parrish said:
How many turkey hunters would be willing to forfeit, day for day, spring turkey hunting days for fall turkey hunting days?

There are some - but I'm not one.

But I'd forfeit 5 days of fall deer hunting for 1 day of fall turkey hunting. Turkey hunting spring or fall is better than anything else.