fastest bow???

A fast low brace height bow that is tuned well will out shoot a medium speed high brace height bow not tuned well. You fellas are forgetting that there's more to a bow than just brace height, speed, and A-A length.

A great example of this is with two bows I've had this year.

MR6 - 6" brace height, short A-A, and 340+ fps.

K&K Vindicator - 7" brace height, 35" A-A length, and 330 fps.

By default most of you would grab the Vindicator due to its specs for being more forgiving. There is where you mess up. It is one of the most difficult and finicky to tune bows I've ever shot. I've worked on it for a week and have let the archery shop guys have it for a week and it has us all ready to sling it. Horrible nock travel and very finicky.

MR6 out of the box - bullet hole. You did not shoot the same spot twice with that bow!! I wish I would have been able to keep it or afford another one...I might even opt for an MR5 if I had the money.
paradis1142 said:
All of Hoyts hunting bows are sub 7" brace height this year. They must not think it's a big deal.
SPEED is what sells !! Kinda like listing the horsepower on a car!! I understand both sides of this debate and i really dont believe that anyone here who has purchased a bow didnt look at that ibo speed, we all do !!! :)
titansfan2104 said:
i really dont believe that anyone here who has purchased a bow didnt look at that ibo speed, we all do !!! :)
For the record, I did not then (2005) and I still have no idea what my IBO speed is on my Switchback. I do know I can punch holes with it out to 30 yards (my self imposed limit in the woods) and I know it shoots through most every deer and buries up in the ground on opposite side. That is good enough for me. Not being a horses rear, just stating the facts in my case.
Brace height is a real and fundamental factor in determining a bow's forgiveness, despite what knightrider says. Its clear that not many people in the world are as exceptional as knightrider. After hearing him brag, I think I am his second biggest fan. But I think most of us hunters can appreciate having a forgiving bow. An example...four of us hunting buddies would get together every labor day weekend and cook out the doves we had blasted that weekend and also shoot at targets with our bows in the yard. We all would have been practicing regularly by July. But one of my buddies loved speed. He had a low brace height bow with a radical cam that shot super fast, but he clearly shot the worst of all of us. Even missed the target some. But he got the gold medal for speed. The rest of us lobbed them in there and were pretty much driving tacks. That same guy has since learned his lesson (only after buying 3 different super-fast, low brace height bows in about 6 or 7 years) and now shoots a real hunting bow like the rest of us and probably outshoots us at targets.
In what universe is a Z7 faster than an Omen? Not this one buddy LOL

Brace height is not as important as the A-A length and so many other factors....wall, valley, cam timing, nock travel, tiller adjustment and tuning, nock pinch due to short A-A bow. I could go on and on. A perfect example of this is with these ultra short bows today. Say 28-31 inches A-A. Most of them need a 7+ inch brace height...some are even coming in at 8" brace heights. Me couldn't give me one of those kind of bows.

I like a bow 34-36 inches A-A with a 6 - 6.5 inch brace height. The longer A-A and blend of 6" brace height makes it perfect for my style of shooting. I've won more tournaments and killed more critters with those general specs than any other bow specs. Accuracy with speed and well tuned bow -- DEADLY. Problem is....90% of shooters don't know tuning beyond an arrow rest adjustment.
the omen is a better bow but you know what i mean i guess its like act or opinion the omens better shootin to you and i like the z7 there both great bows to us the omen is faster though..
the omen is a better bow but you know what i mean i guess its like act or opinion the omens better shootin to you and i like the z7 there both great bows to us the omen is faster though..