Favorite shotgun

there are just pros and cons to a 24 vs a 26. at 26 you will have a better pattern and more distance to shoot. if you dont run around much then a 26 is just a better way to go but if you do run around more then sit go with a 24 for the mobility.
So you think the 26 will give you a better pattern?
Enough to justify it ?

I didn't figure there would be that much difference.
REN said:
there are just pros and cons to a 24 vs a 26. at 26 you will have a better pattern and more distance to shoot. if you dont run around much then a 26 is just a better way to go but if you do run around more then sit go with a 24 for the mobility.

with todays chokes and shells you probably wont gain anything as far as distance or pattern. what you will gain with a longer barrel is better swing for upland birds, which is moot for turkeys.
WTM said:
REN said:
there are just pros and cons to a 24 vs a 26. at 26 you will have a better pattern and more distance to shoot. if you dont run around much then a 26 is just a better way to go but if you do run around more then sit go with a 24 for the mobility.

with todays chokes and shells you probably wont gain anything as far as distance or pattern. what you will gain with a longer barrel is better swing for upland birds, which is moot for turkeys.

i disagree. the more the pattern is in the gun the better the pattern will be as it exits the barrel.

straight from the NITRO website...there are others that say this as well i just knew it was on there

The modern turkey hunter sacrifices pattern performance and velocity for maneuverability of a short 21" barrel. A gun with a 26" barrel will give you higher velocity and better patterns. For every inch up to 26", you gain 7 1/2 to 15 feet per second in velocity, depending upon the gun. A 26" barrel will give you 10 to 15 percent better patterns than a short barrel with the same choke constriction.
i shoot a 20in barreled moss with 200 average in a 12 in circle at 40 yards, so i see a short barrel as no handicap at all, its all in the choke and shell, jmho
REN said:
I am not saying a short barrel is a handicap, all i am saying is logistically the longer the barrel the better your velocity and pattern can be.
should have used my words better sorry, i was just rying to point out why not have the best of both with a shorter lighter gun that still puts out crazy numbers as far as turkey hunting, now for wingshooting yes i would like a 26 or 28in barrel
all i was getting at was if i new i would be "deer hunting" turkeys majority of the time i would tend to go with a longer barrel as mobility is not a need at that point. If my hunting style required me to have more mobility in the woods then I would shorten it to less then 26". all in the style a person chooses to hunt by.
Going from a 20" to a 26" you might see some gain, but just from a 24" to a 26" it will likely not even be noticeable. What you will notice is how much better the 24" handles in the woods where you will be Turkey hunting alot. I too am shopping for a new Turkey gun right now, while I may end up with a semi auto, a pump is high on the list as well. I have had the Mossbergs and the Remingtons and honestly looking for a lil higher end gun myself! Let me know what you end up with Ruger, im looking seriously at the Brownings and Benellis but havent landed on anything yet!
I have been looking and while I am not sure, I am about 102% sure that I will end up with the Browning Silver in Mossy Oak infinity, NWTF edition 24" barrel.

I will let you know when I decide though. ;)
Actually I know a guy at work that had one that it peeled off of too.
He called Browning (he was the third or fourth owner of the gun) they said send it in.
He did and they replaced the stock and forearm and sent it back, no charge.

I also know of many that have had no problems.

Maybe they are better now.
RUGER said:
Actually I know a guy at work that had one that it peeled off of too.
He called Browning (he was the third or fourth owner of the gun) they said send it in.
He did and they replaced the stock and forearm and sent it back, no charge.

I also know of many that have had no problems.

Maybe they are better now.

They may have got it straight now kinda like that summit treestand tape stuff, Either way i dont care much for the feel of it. Atleast it just dont fit my style of shouldering a shot gun. Either way ruger you can got wrong with the three "b's".
knightrider said:
i got a moss 835 turkey tactical on the way, hope its as good as i think it is, bit i still love my little 500's

Your gonna love it.

Put the right choke on it and shoot Hevi-13 3.5" #7 loads and you will have a barn burner.
since you posted in the Long Beards & Spurs section I take it you will be using it for the good ol thunder chickens. I love my moss 835 and would never even think about another gun for my turkey hunting
You are correct, turkey only.

I and my son both have 835's and I love my rattletrap, just have always wanted an auto.
Ruger is was in your boat last year...always hunted with a pump and just wanted on auto not to mention just having 2 guns. I could not be happier having said AUTO and will not go back to a pump any time soon. I personally just love having the auto and glad i upgraded to one.

it is great to have 1 of each just for those times you take someone with you with little experience in shooting...pumps are a bit more complicated then you think if you never really shot one. on those days i just give my auto to the person with me and take the pump.

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