I went the way of HTL for awhile, then I started thinking of all the turkeys I had killed with lead. To me turkey hunting is a game, if I can't call him in to 40 yds. or under then he won the game. I'll just come back and play again another day. I get a kick out of seeing how good I can get lead to shoot. I got 2 guns that will turn in the 130's with 3" #5 lead in a 10". No turkey can survive that, how dead is dead. I do have some of the new Winchester long beard shell on order, hope I get the same results as others I've seen. Had real good luck with the Federal turkey thugs last year in one gun. My other gun likes the Winchester XX in #5, and #6. Neither of my guns does as good with the Winchester HV as the do with the double X. I've got 2 boxes of mag blend, 3 boxes of #6 Hevi and 2 boxes of #7 Hevi left. They do put up some impressive numbers, just haven't seen the benefit when your shooting 40 and under to justify the cost.