
scn said:
Scott, if you are using a drop away, you need to give the FOBs a try with that wind. They are great. My arrows are fletched with the little Quickspins or the FOBs, and there is no doubt that the FOBs are more accurate.

I've looked for a negative point (besides looking weird) and haven't been able to find one yet.

X2 if your using a drop away try them
Crow Terminator said:
Hard to believe? IF it were just $1.50 an arrow that would be different. But it's not just $1.50 more an arrow.

When you buy the bow, rest, sight, etc...you have all that you need and don't have to deal with wear and tare/replacing them UNLESS you just want to upgrade and that's not a "have to". So the initial up front cost is all you deal with. The only thing you replace on the bow under general use, are the strings/cables every other yr or two.

Fletching is the most common thing I replace due to wear/tare that is a HAVE TO. As much as I shoot during the course of the year, it gets on up there in cost and it is ALWAYS re-occuring. It is by far my most expensive reoccuring cost. With feathers it is even more expensive/reoccuring due to the frequency of having to replace them...i.e. when you gape one fletch. Vanes hold up a lot better in that area. I'm already up to about 5 dozen arrows this yr that I've fletched/refletched....and that with vanes. If I were shooting feathers it would be AT LEAST twice more than that...or basically 360 feathers @ $144 for just the cost of 50 feathers at $20 per $50. That with no taxes or shipping cost figured in. So $144 per yr reoccuring cost with solid color feathers...vs $28 a year for the vanes.

Does that make it a bit easier to believe? Does for me. $116 savings per yr at current costs...meaning in 5-6 yrs of shooting I could buy a new bow with the $ I saved in JUST fletching costs.

Yes sir you are correct.That is alot of money.Good luck!
Radar said:
scn said:
Scott, if you are using a drop away, you need to give the FOBs a try with that wind. They are great. My arrows are fletched with the little Quickspins or the FOBs, and there is no doubt that the FOBs are more accurate.

I've looked for a negative point (besides looking weird) and haven't been able to find one yet.

I would say that FOB 's could be less forgiving than feathers if they come into contact with any part of the rest . I have had vanes come into contact with my drop away cord and even make contact with the launcher arm at higher speeds . I had to set the timing of the drop on the rest contact , and retie my cord into the down cable at a better angle to offer better clearance for my drop away cord.
I have an Apache full containment drop away that could also be an issue as well with contact .
One of the biggest advantages of feathers is the forgiveness of any incidental contact with the rest and the ability to take control of the arrow quicker , as well as the increased drag factor at longer distances .
There are positives and negatives with all types of fletchings , but as someone who enjoys fletching my own arrows , I just love the beauty of a feather fletched arrow . They even look awesome in flight. :)

I agree. There is nothing IMO that looks as good as a crisp feather fletched arrow.
scn said:
Radar said:
scn said:
Scott, if you are using a drop away, you need to give the FOBs a try with that wind. They are great. My arrows are fletched with the little Quickspins or the FOBs, and there is no doubt that the FOBs are more accurate.

I've looked for a negative point (besides looking weird) and haven't been able to find one yet.

I would say that FOB 's could be less forgiving than feathers if they come into contact with any part of the rest . I have had vanes come into contact with my drop away cord and even make contact with the launcher arm at higher speeds . I had to set the timing of the drop on the rest contact , and retie my cord into the down cable at a better angle to offer better clearance for my drop away cord.
I have an Apache full containment drop away that could also be an issue as well with contact .
One of the biggest advantages of feathers is the forgiveness of any incidental contact with the rest and the ability to take control of the arrow quicker , as well as the increased drag factor at longer distances .
There are positives and negatives with all types of fletchings , but as someone who enjoys fletching my own arrows , I just love the beauty of a feather fletched arrow . They even look awesome in flight. :)

I agree. There is nothing IMO that looks as good as a crisp feather fletched arrow.

Exactly Steve , I love the looks of them . I guess I'm still a little old school in some ways . I like trying new things , yet I keep going back to what has worked so well for me in the past .
Roost 1 said:
I have always shot feathers but recently switched to blazers. How long a feather you guys using? Wonder why they don't make short 2" feathers? Or do they?

I'm shooting 4" feathers , but if you have a short brace and the rest is set behind the riser , Gateway makes 2" feathers . Feathers are so light , I don't see any advantage going to a shorter feather though .
Radar said:
Roost 1 said:
I have always shot feathers but recently switched to blazers. How long a feather you guys using? Wonder why they don't make short 2" feathers? Or do they?

I'm shooting 4" feathers , but if you have a short brace and the rest is set behind the riser , Gateway makes 2" feathers . Feathers are so light , I don't see any advantage going to a shorter feather though .

I agree with Radar on this.