Feel Like a Real Turkey Hunter


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2013
Reaction score
Murfreesboro, TN
Called a silent one in yesterday afternoon. Once he got close, though, I saw he was a bit young, so I let him walk. 4-5" beard, smooth, rounded spurs, maybe 15 lb. It's the first one I've let walk, so even though I didn't take him, I still felt pretty good for showing a little judgment in the field in my first year hunting long-beards.

Have y'all ever let one go? What's your criteria?
As of this point of my life, I currently shoot longbeards, or mature birds only. I remember when I would shoot anything that was legal. Then one day I went hunting, set down to some gobbling birds, and when they pitched out of the tree it was two jakes with several hens. That was the first time I passed on a legal bird, and it made me feel pretty good to finally do it.

I once let a longbeard go. It was on my personal property, only 68 acres. I knew my little brother wanted to kill it. He couldn't go opening morning, but I went and called up the gobbler and let him go. I knew I should have shot him, because 68 acres isnt much and he coulda went to the neighbors and been dead easily. But he didn't and my brother got lucky enough to shoot him the next morning. I felt food about that one.

I have no issue with anyone who wants to shoot a jake, as long as it makes them happy and they aren't killing just for the sake of killing.
yup let a bunch walk this year already. Some you have to save for a good population the next year. Personally i think the KILLING part get to much play, if you go enough you eventually see the "game" and the "show" are the true enjoyment in it all. Dont get me wrong i love shooting them in the face but these days I just am thankful the good lord has allowed me the time and health to get out as much as i do.
Hopefully your topic doesn't turn into a jakes or no jakes discussion but I for one, choose not to kill them. My reason is simple: I just love hearing them strut, drum, and gobble too much to shoot them as youngsters. To me, it's far less about toting a bird out of the woods and more about the whole experience that IS turkey hunting.

If they didn't gobble, spit, and strut I wouldn't be be nearly as crazy about chasing them. I happily pass on jakes with a focus on future springs in the turkey woods. As an aside, I've seen more jakes this year than I ever have. Calling them in and letting them pass has become pretty rewarding in and of itself.
Yeah, let's just ignore the jakes vs. no jakes comments to keep it on topic.

I was proud to have called him in. I had a 20 yard shot, but I chose to watch him and analyze a bit. He'll be a good-looking man one day.

I guess I'd say my criteria (so far) is 1. Estimated beard length of 8"+, 2. Pointy spurs (hard to see, sometimes), 3. Whether or not I have a bird on the ground already (ha!). If I hadn't gotten a couple this year, I'd have hit him.
I let lots of birds walk. I only shoot long beards. But that's just me shooting small birds out even small deer just doesn't float my boat. But I try to to knock anyone who does. Although being your first year that's pretty impressive not to many people pass up a shot when they have it when they are new at the sport.
I passed jakes this year. But I'm a little less picky during the fall season. Try not to shoot poults but sometimes there is no reference for size and its hard to tell. They have more tender meat though :D
I have let them walk before.
I have killed them before.
Day / mood dependant for me.

Congrats on a great hunt though.
I would like to just take 3 year old birds or older but its just to hard to see spurs in the woods or grass with any height at all so I shoot if its a longbeard. Last year I let one longbeard walk that was staying in one area alot so my wife could get it, she killed it and it had 1.5" spurs LOL I couldnt tell that when it came by me at 30 yards a couple of days prior. Improved habitat, Laying off of jakes, and making sure to leave several longbeards for seed is what got my property to actually having turkeys.
I went this morning and could only hunt til 7ish. Had 3 hens pitch down in front of me and had a bird gobble to me imitating a flydown with nothing but a wing. Thought it sound jakey so I waited and nothing. After the 3 hens fed off I got up and eased through the woods until I could see him. There were actually 3 jakes all fanned out with at least 5 hens. I could have gotten closer than 75 yards but when I saw they were jakes I backed out. In my earlier days I'd shoot them and not think twice. If I see one on public land he may not get a pass. If my son who is 10 wants to kill one I'll tell him to hammer down. Just seeing them was good enough for me as I haven't seen that many birds all year. Hopefully they're coming back to this particular property and the big boy will show. Seen him once.
My first bird was a Jake 5in beard probably would have been a nice bird if he had lived after that it has been only longbeards. I don't have any problem with anyone killing whatever they want to though just my personal preference. I actually passed on a bird last week just because it may or may not have been a Jake. I had a Jake and a tom gobbling and where it came up all I could see was his head his whole body was covered up. I kinda regret not taking the shot but would have been dissapointed if it had been the Jake.
RUGER said:
I have let them walk before.
I have killed them before.
Day / mood dependant for me.

Congrats on a great hunt though.

Wisdom speaketh again :) !

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