Filming hunt


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2021
Reaction score
Englewood, TN
Ok, I've been debating doing this for a couple years but I'm wanting to film a hunt either during what's left of this season or start fresh next season. this hunt is pretty specific and unique, but I don't know where to start on equipment? any advice on mics, cameras, stands, etc? I know I don't need the highest end stuff but I also want to produce a quality film. this is solely for sharing and memory purposes for now. Just wanting to try my hand at filming it.
What's your budget for a camcorder? I've used Panasonic cameras ranging from $200 (HC-V180) up to almost $1k (HC-WXF1) and also have used a Sony FDR-AX53 which is around $900 give or take. Of course Sony has cheaper models too but I haven't used them so I can't say.

Just remember a good zoom is important on a camcorder, as well as decent low light capabilities. Both Sony and Panasonic have a "low light setting" that improves the exposure at first and last light.

A cheap Walmart tripod will get the job done, or you could get a nicer one with a fluid head. I use a tripod when hunting on the ground.

There's lots of different tree arms out there, I use a 4th arrow carbon arm, but there are much cheaper options as well.

Just remember, you might hate it or you might love it. Don't spend more than you want on a fancy setup if you're just trying it out. The more budget friendly stuff can still make some good video. If you really like it, you can upgrade to nicer stuff later.
What's your budget for a camcorder?
I will definitely be trying the cheapest I can get away with, especially with just getting started. Like you said i might not like the process of filming lol, but I want to give it a go. as long as I have clear picture and coherent sound I believe I could make it work. thanks!
I have have tried this in the past and I don't like how they turn out. at least not with my phone. plus i like to have it in my pocket and separate equipment for filming.
I understand. Our recreation minister looked into AV equipment for an outdoor ministry. It was going to be about $2K. Turned it down and then spent the $$$ on fancy lights and stuff in the sanctuary.
@catman529 Do you use a remote control to zoom etc or all manually?

Also do you record on auto focus or do you focus manually, and if manual does your camera have a focus ring?
@catman529 Do you use a remote control to zoom etc or all manually?

Also do you record on auto focus or do you focus manually, and if manual does your camera have a focus ring?
No remote, usually autofocus but I do switch to manual sometimes to film through brush. Yes it has a ring that can be used for zoom or focus, I press a button to switch between manual/auto and use the ring to focus
I will second having the ability to manual zoom. I have a digital camera mounted on my bow that I use as a stabilizer and a camera. I have hours upon hours of footage on it.

My favorite thing to do is look back at the footage when things are slow on the stand.