Finally cut a 3", 3 arrow group at 30 yards.

About 2 miles North of I-40 on Hwy 127. It's semi-rural but the coyotes still come in early in the morning. It's the spookiest thing ever to hear all the yipping at 2am.
LOL, that was kind of a one shot deal, most groups at 30 were a lot larger and now that I'm shooting instinctive I find I've got some work to do.
As long as I can do "Minute of Paper Plate", which is the size of a deer's vital zone, I think I'll do ok during season.
It'll be a while before I cut another 3"/30 yard group. I'm sure with enough practice I'll get back in gear and hit a paper plate at 30 yards but instinctive is a lot different then sights but then it's a lot simpler too and I'm all about K.I.S.S.
I figure it this way. I can be a slave to sights, depend on em' and when I need them most they'll be broken or out of whack OR I can get my instinctive eye back(I've shot that way all of my bow shootin' life) and not have to spend money on sights or worry about them messing up because what's not there won't break.
I still love my release, I've never let go of a string cleaner in all of my life but shooting a bow is like throwin' a ball. It's something that with practice just becomes natural. No need for fancy stuff like sights, LOL.

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