Finally got a buck on camera


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2024
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I finally got a buck on one of my trail cameras. This is on a 25 acre piece of property that I got permission to hunt this year. I've gotten a few does but this was the first buck. Sadly this would be my largest buck I've ever killed if I happen to get him this year.


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Thanks guys. I've currently got two cameras on this one ridge line. This camera is about halfway back of this side of the property. Plenty of white oaks on this ridge. Not getting a lot of photos but getting a few. Prior to getting this one tonight it had been since Tuesday that I got my last photo. The camera that I put at the very back of the property has only had one deer pic come through. This 25 acres is surrounded on three sides by 570 acres of wildlife refuge.
I finally got a buck on one of my trail cameras. This is on a 25 acre piece of property that I got permission to hunt this year. I've gotten a few does but this was the first buck. Sadly this would be my largest buck I've ever killed if I happen to get him this year.
Horns are great but you can't or shouldn't eat them!
Horns are great but you can't or shouldn't eat them!
Thanks for the advice. Lol. I'm looking to fill my freezer. I've not been hunting for the last nine years. I let myself go physically and had gotten far too big to feel comfortable in the woods. Too much keg and back pain. I'm currently down 140lbs and I'm as excited about this hunting season than any other. I honestly thought I'd never set foot in the deer woods again. Man does it feel great!!!
Thanks for the advice. Lol. I'm looking to fill my freezer. I've not been hunting for the last nine years. I let myself go physically and had gotten far too big to feel comfortable in the woods. Too much keg and back pain. I'm currently down 140lbs and I'm as excited about this hunting season than any other. I honestly thought I'd never set foot in the deer woods again. Man does it feel great!!!
Congrats dude! That's awesome and I need to do the same. What did you do to loose all that?
Congrats dude! That's awesome and I need to do the same. What did you do to loose all that?
Started off with the keto diet which was working great. Maybe a little too good as my gall bladder ended up going bad and I had to have surgery. Had some complications and ended up back in the hospital for a few weeks. I couldn't eat or drink anything for 4-5 weeks. Would throw everything up. Finally the good Lord brought me through it. Since then I've looked at food and life much more differently. I eat a lot smarter and be sure to exercise daily.
Just because you ain't getting a buck on camera doesn't mean they ain't there. Literally 1000 different ways they can sneak through the property. I wouldn't concern myself to much with not seeing a buck on cam. Velvet is off. Testosterone is going up. They'll be changing patterns and during the rut you never know what will happen.

Congrats on the lifestyle change and getting back out there. Enjoy, have fun and spend some time in God's country.