Finally, signs of the rut

Sounds like what I've seen in Morgan county no buck sign or good bucks on camera just young small rack bucks. Seen a lot of does most have their fawns with them. Watched 5 does yesterday Dec-1 evening come into the hayfield to feed just before dark stayed till dark not a single buck showed's been this way all season. Usually see a lot of action during muzzleloader , but for some strange reason it's been completely dead. Haven't had any problem seeing does just no bucks. There are plenty of acorns been on them also without a single good buck to ever show up. Hunted catoosa on the 2-3 hunts searched all the places I usually find sign and also some places I don't usually hunt searching for sign nothing it got me baffled. i usually find buck sign begin in mid October in my area and start running cameras over scrapes generally see several good bucks doing this but not this year only a few 1 1/2 bucks. They are also the ones I've had on camera chasing does.
Up until Nov. 17th, this year produced the least buck sign I've ever documented. After that, scrapes exploded. But still have only found 5 rubs on my 500 acres. That's crazy low.
I started this thread at 7:04 Friday morning (12/2). At 7:39 I rattled in a 10 pt that came in on a string. Let him go twice but the third time he came by I shot him. Not a spectacular buck & had lots of pics past two years. Very narrow but weighed 173# which is right in line with our 4 yr olds. Mass is decent & 19-1/2" beams. Hocks were barely stained. After I killed him,. " top end 3 yr old " has been rolling around in my head. Sending teeth off tomorrow to have expedited cementum testing done.
Saturday morning another member killed a heavy horned 185# 6pt that was trailing a doe. Estimated him at 4+. Then yesterday afternoon another member killed a 166# 8 with 23" beams & 5" bases which we estimated to be 5+. The buck & a doe came onto plot together and fed for 10 minutes before he shot him.
This morning I've gotten pics of bucks on their feet cruising from two different cameras.
Looks like finally picking up for Wayne Co. Will have a few people in camp all week so fingers crossed for them.
All I can could get grandson on was small bucks & does. Yesterday when he went home, he made sure that I'd be picking him up again Friday at school to come back!
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Chasing hard in my neck of the woods of East TN yesterday morning. Had 4 does come thru jogging by and 5 mins later had a good size 7 point came in grunting and even snort wheezed once and then took an arrow to the lungs lol hoping the real big one will do that also. Wish I would've been in the woods this morning!
Eastern canon County here and I still haven't seen any chasing but does are with fawns and yesterday evening I seen a doe what looked like was trying to run off her fawns, also had 2 new bucks show up on camera one absolute stud at 8:20am Dec 2nd. I'm really confused about what stage we are in, the weirdest year I've ever had.
Eastern canon County here and I still haven't seen any chasing but does are with fawns and yesterday evening I seen a doe what looked like was trying to run off her fawns, also had 2 new bucks show up on camera one absolute stud at 8:20am Dec 2nd. I'm really confused about what stage we are in, the weirdest year I've ever had.
Same. We're still seeing new older bucks showing up. Normally, that ends about Nov. 14.
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