These birds are a whole lot tougher to hunt than every one says. They are very skittish and don't really like to be called to much and they don't gobble much at all and if they see a vehicle just driving down the road they will fly to the next county. We ended up killing two today but it was very tough. My buddy killed one right after flydown just because we knew the exact tree he was in and was able to get pretty close to him and they happened to fly down in the field we were set up on. We hunted the rest of the day and I killed one right before roost time. We called both of the birds in just calling very soft and just short yelps. We ended up roosting a couple more this afternoon so maybe we can get in done in the morning. Beautiful birds and beautiful country out here.
Buddies bird:
8" beard
1" spurs
22 lbs
My bird
9 1/2" beard
1 1/8" spurs
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
Buddies bird:
8" beard
1" spurs
22 lbs
My bird
9 1/2" beard
1 1/8" spurs
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro