First solo longbeard


Active Member
Oct 20, 2015
Reaction score
This weekend I shot my first longbeard on my own. It was truly rewarding being able to take tactics and info from people I've hunted with that were much smarter than myself, and all you experpts on here as well [emoji12] and put them to use . Was on the fort and birds were gobbling well, I had to work for it. Had a pair that were gobbling back but wouldn't commit. I would call, set up and they would come about 150 yards out on the other side of some cover but hang. I ended up creeping around them, trying to crawl closer but no luck. Eventually figured out they were moving away down the field so tried to get ahead of them. I tried to get past em and got to the end of the field hoping I was ahead of them, to my suprise when I snuck up to the edge there he was in full strut. He probably saw me, came out of strut and took one step when I rolled him. 23lbs, 9inch beard, 1 1/8inch spurs.



Thanks for all the advice! That was my fourth bird on post so now time to find some good state land.....
Thanks for the replies guys! I forgot to mention the morning after haha....was actually a really cool hunt. I went to the same area as a caller for my buddy since I was tagged out, heard a good amount of gobbling but the cool part actually involved a coyote. we had set up on some possible birds and put out a single hen decoy in some light timber, called and got a few replies but they seemed to be fading off so we started to circle toward them. we followed them the best we could tell for 200 yards or so then ran dry so started to move back. we stand up and my buddy whispers "coyote" and we watch the dog come in to our right to about 50 yards, he takes a shot but misses, think the yote saw us and was movin at a trot. crazy part is we get back to my decoy and cant find it at first, then my buddy spots it and its on the ground....and the stake is bent! guess the coyote was tracking us and wanted a taste of the decoy...maybe that explains the birds going quiet. we ended up setting up on another field and watched some hens filter through, then a tom came by and strutted across the field at about 150yards, I did some cuts and I hear a nice deep throated gobble come from the woods behind the strutter. sure enough a big ol tom comes and scares the strutter off....we tried to coax him over with no luck. was still really cool watchin that though