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First times a charm


Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2004
Brush Creek
I don't hunt this particular stand very often, because i'm lazy lol. It's the longest walk in on my property and some of the steepest terrain to boot. But because of that I do "usually" see deer. Yesterday evening was no exception, the wind was perfect and the deer were feeding on the abundant acorns. I was watching a big Doe and her twin fawns in front of me when I heard footsteps behind my stand, I looked straight down and saw horns. I swear he looked huge!! Not the best angle for a shot and I probably wouldn't of tried the shot with a compound but felt pretty confident with my Xbow. I put the crosshairs on his spine between his shoulder blades and squeezed the trigger. At the shot I expected him to drop but he took off like a bat out of hell lol. He went down one ravine, up the other side and down the other and out of sight but I was pretty sure I heard him crash out. I gathered my gear and climbed down, there was blood where he was standing and my arrow was sticking straight up. I slowly circled around, found a great blood trail and saw white belly down in the ravine. Two hours later I had him hanging at the house. I am slap worn out and my back is killing me but I would do it again in a heart beat. Turned out he was a LOT smaller than I thought but no regrets on my part I feel blessed to have him.

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