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First times a charm

I don't hunt this particular stand very often, because i'm lazy lol. It's the longest walk in on my property and some of the steepest terrain to boot. But because of that I do "usually" see deer. Yesterday evening was no exception, the wind was perfect and the deer were feeding on the abundant acorns. I was watching a big Doe and her twin fawns in front of me when I heard footsteps behind my stand, I looked straight down and saw horns. I swear he looked huge!! Not the best angle for a shot and I probably wouldn't have tried the shot with a compound but felt pretty confident with my Xbow. I put the crosshairs on his spine between his shoulder blades and squeezed the trigger. At the shot I expected him to drop but he took off like a bat out of hell lol. He went down one ravine, up the other side and down the other and out of sight but I was pretty sure I heard him crash out. I gathered my gear and climbed down, there was blood where he was standing and my arrow was sticking straight up. I slowly circled around, found a great blood trail and saw white belly down in the ravine. Two hours later I had him hanging at the house. I am slap worn out and my back is killing me but I would do it again in a heart beat. Turned out he was a LOT smaller than I thought but no regrets on my part I feel blessed to have him.View attachment 245881
Now that's a hunt. I guess you were shooting down at him. Do you think where you shot him was the best for that angle? Sounds like he ran a long distance. Nice big deer. Congrats.
Now that's a hunt. I guess you were shooting down at him. Do you think where you shot him was the best for that angle? Sounds like he ran a long distance. Nice big deer. Congrats.
Yes, it was pretty much straight down. I stepped it off at three steps from the base of my tree. As I said earlier "not the best angle" But with four sets of eyes and four noses it was only a matter of time before I was going to get busted. I would of liked a better angle but every situation is different and I usually take the first best shot. The shot was only a fraction of an inch from hitting the spine which would of put him on the ground right then. But it did destroy one lung and the exit was behind the arm pit and low which left a great "drain hole". Blood was immediate. I had to go back to my stand the next day to retrieve the arrow so I back tracked the blood trail and I couldn't of asked for an easier trail to follow. He ran less than 100 yds and I heard him crash. Sooo............to answer your question lol, I do think my shot placement was pretty much spot on.

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