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Fishing mis-haps


Well-Known Member
2-Step Enabled
Nov 19, 1999
Trigger posted that his friend lost a $700.00 rod and reel combo and it made me think about this.
Figure it should be entertaining, or painful anyway. :)

Worst I have had, with the exception of losing the lower unit out of my first boat motor....

My son and I were fishing with my buddy that died a few years ago and I had a brand new Bass Pro rod, can't remember exactly which one but it was the most expensive, nicest rod I had ever had. I had a $160.00 Curado reel on it. This was my first fishing trip with it.
I was in the back of the boat and my son was in the front with my buddy and we were bass fishing.
Saw a big swirl so I thought I would go for it.
It was way too far but I had a big rattletrap on so I went for it.
I rared back and threw it with everything I had.
I didn't know that my son had moved to the back of the boat and was digging in the tacklebox looking for a different lure.
Thank goodness he had a visor on.
Both hooks hit him just above the ear right on the band of the visor.
The force of it hitting him knocked him over, off his knees and he screamed out.
The line broke and the rod flew out of my hand.

I remember hearing the rod hit the bottom of the boat and of course my main concern was my son, after I realized what had just happened.
He cried a little but all was great because it didn't even break the skin.
Then I looked for my rod.
Guess hitting the "bottom" of the boat was actually the side and it was gone.
We were in 9 feet of water and my buddy dove in and made probably 20 trips to the bottom feeling all around for it but it was gone. :(

My wife talked me into buying another rig just like it so I did.
Second trip out with that one I threw into a bush and got hung up.
I just pulled enough to put tension on the line while my buddy backed the boat up with the trolling motor and the rod snapped in half. :bash:

I took the reel off, threw the other half in the water and sulked the rest of the trip. LOL
I could write a flippin book on mishaps.. below wheeler dam there is a area I like to fish with some huge rocks out in the water.. I usually follow the same trail.. start at one end.. the load up and idle out.. well one day while idling out.. I hit the rock and tore up my lower unit.. I fixed it $2k worth of repairs.. went back and did the same thing.. hit the same rock and wadded up a propeller...
pressfit":3twa0zh3 said:
I could write a flippin book on mishaps.. below wheeler dam there is a area I like to fish with some huge rocks out in the water.. I usually follow the same trail.. start at one end.. the load up and idle out.. well one day while idling out.. I hit the rock and tore up my lower unit.. I fixed it $2k worth of repairs.. went back and did the same thing.. hit the same rock and wadded up a propeller...

Below Wheeler Dam is notorious for tearing stuff up. I have broken one rod and had another go over the side there. I would love to know how many rod, reels and lower units have been destroyed down there.

Be there this Thursday by the way.
I have had several mishaps that were painful, expensive and some were even funny.

The funniest was with my wife. She can't swim. She was wearing one of the auto-activated, Co2 life jackets. We were about a mile from the boat dock an it looked like a little shower was approaching. I took off back toward the dock when the shower started.....BOOM it inflated. It was hilarious, to me. Scared the crap out of her.
My cousin and I went fishing at some lake near Gallatin. It was pretty busy that day, with people water skiing, etc. We had more or less finished up fishing and heading back to the ramp when he saw a buddy and his boat. Cousin decided to accelerate (either wanted to race or show off, not sure which) and after a minute or so...the trolling motor came off of his bass boat and decided to go for a swim, never to come back up. :D Cousin was NOT happy and was it was an (understandably) uncomfortable ride back to the ramp.
Fishing for topwater stripers with 7-inch Redfins. My friend, Doug Williams, caught one and was unhooking it, while I continued casting. Next thing I heard a scream and turned to see the 15 lb. striper flopping on the bottom of the boat... the fish was attached to one set of hooks, Doug was attached to the other. :o

I managed to get my foot on the fish to stop it flopping, and unhooked. Fish went back in the water... then I grabbed my camera to snap pictures of Doug. :D

Doug, who has since passed away from cancer (RIP), was one tough old bird. I dug out some heavy mono line and we did the little "reverse angle" trick. I yanked the hook out of Doug and we went back to fishing.


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rsimms":jrd1t5af said:
Fishing for topwater stripers with 7-inch Redfins. My friend, Doug Williams, caught one and was unhooking it, while I continued casting. Next thing I heard a scream and turned to see the 15 lb. striper flopping on the bottom of the boat... the fish was attached to one set of hooks, Doug was attached to the other. :o

I managed to get my foot on the fish to stop it flopping, and unhooked. Fish went back in the water... then I grabbed my camera to snap pictures of Doug. :D

Doug, who has since passed away from cancer (RIP), was one tough old bird. I dug out some heavy mono line and we did the little "reverse angle" trick. I yanked the hook out of Doug and we went back to fishing.

Almost identical story with my buddy a few years ago. 7" redfin (smoky joe) about 20 pound fish on my line and he reaches down to grab it. Takes the hook in the forearm while the fish is still attached. I didn't know the mono trick so I just brought him back to my office and numbed up his arm and cut the hook out. Ruined a good day fishing. I now keep a surgical kit with suture material and anesthetic in my tackle bag at all times.
Same as above but I was by myself............

I caught about a 12" smallmouth on a jerkbait. It was hooked on the back hook and as I reached to take it off, it flopped and buried the front hook in one of my right fingers. Now, here I am with a wild smallmouth that was still very wild when I swung it in the boat flopping on the front deck and a jerkbait attached to both of us. I pinned it to the floor trying to figure out what to do. The only good thing is my pliers just happen to be within reach. I let pressure off of it to reach for the pliers, and the flopping started again. I knew that I could do the line trick if I could ever get this devil smallmouth off the hook. I finally got my pliers and of course he was pegged. I just about flagged a boat down to help, but my pride wouldn't let me. I got him unhooked, and the rest went pretty smooth. I took the hook off the jerkbait and yanked it out.

That was the second time I have had to do the line trick, but my wife was with me to help the first time. One thing to note with that trick is that if you get it buried in your hand is to put your hand on the floor and have someone or yourself to stand on it with pressure to anchor it down. If not, your hand will just come with the jerk of the line. Don't ask me how I know..... :)
Years ago fishing beneath Cheatham. We were up against the far right hand bluff trying to dip some shiners to use. We almost had what we needed, buddy on front deck. I'm driving the boat. We agree one more scoopfull of shiners and we are good. He's standing on the front deck and down from the heavens comes someone's baitbucket full of shad guts. Someone on top of the bluff had been catching and cleaning shad/skipjack and dumped the entire contents on my buddies head. He's a hot head so he starts dog cussing these folks and they do it AGAIN! I turned the boat and drifted downstream for 15 minutes until I stopped laughing. He smelled like crap the entire day.

It's been proven through history that women's a mystery! Popeye
Cant think of anything really bad but last summer I did have the fuel pump go out while I was about 3 miles from the boat ramp. Had to squeeze the primer bulb at the right intervals to keep the motor running while I rode back to the ramp. Then when I fixed the fuel pump, I took it to the Duck River in Columbia for a test run in the deeper water. The water was plenty deep, until I got to the next bridge, it came up so fast I couldn't react and I nailed a log underwater. Prop is still chewed up on the ends :D Motor runs good though
Dbllunger":dlw3f2ip said:
rsimms":dlw3f2ip said:
Fishing for topwater stripers with 7-inch Redfins. My friend, Doug Williams, caught one and was unhooking it, while I continued casting. Next thing I heard a scream and turned to see the 15 lb. striper flopping on the bottom of the boat... the fish was attached to one set of hooks, Doug was attached to the other. :o

I managed to get my foot on the fish to stop it flopping, and unhooked. Fish went back in the water... then I grabbed my camera to snap pictures of Doug. :D

Doug, who has since passed away from cancer (RIP), was one tough old bird. I dug out some heavy mono line and we did the little "reverse angle" trick. I yanked the hook out of Doug and we went back to fishing.

Almost identical story with my buddy a few years ago. 7" redfin (smoky joe) about 20 pound fish on my line and he reaches down to grab it. Takes the hook in the forearm while the fish is still attached. I didn't know the mono trick so I just brought him back to my office and numbed up his arm and cut the hook out. Ruined a good day fishing. I now keep a surgical kit with suture material and anesthetic in my tackle bag at all times.

To me that is why boga grips are a MUST HAVE when catching stripers and hybrids and even bass on crankbaits.
Headhunter":3kmkf8bp said:
Dbllunger":3kmkf8bp said:
rsimms":3kmkf8bp said:
Fishing for topwater stripers with 7-inch Redfins. My friend, Doug Williams, caught one and was unhooking it, while I continued casting. Next thing I heard a scream and turned to see the 15 lb. striper flopping on the bottom of the boat... the fish was attached to one set of hooks, Doug was attached to the other. :o

I managed to get my foot on the fish to stop it flopping, and unhooked. Fish went back in the water... then I grabbed my camera to snap pictures of Doug. :D

Doug, who has since passed away from cancer (RIP), was one tough old bird. I dug out some heavy mono line and we did the little "reverse angle" trick. I yanked the hook out of Doug and we went back to fishing.

Almost identical story with my buddy a few years ago. 7" redfin (smoky joe) about 20 pound fish on my line and he reaches down to grab it. Takes the hook in the forearm while the fish is still attached. I didn't know the mono trick so I just brought him back to my office and numbed up his arm and cut the hook out. Ruined a good day fishing. I now keep a surgical kit with suture material and anesthetic in my tackle bag at all times.

To me that is why boga grips are a MUST HAVE when catching stripers and hybrids and even bass on crankbaits.

Yup. I agree and my bogas were laying right there in hands reach. Poor decision on his part.
I got a rattle trap stuck under my thumb nail all the way , on my right hand once , and my truck keys were in my right pocket . Hooks ended up in my jeans as well trying to get my keys out. Couldn't reach with my left hand and had to take my pants off to get home haha .
I got a fiddler channel stuck in the meat of my hand between my thumb and index finger. It was sunk at least 3/4". I tried to pull it out but couldn't by myself. My buddy was able to able to jerk it loose for me.

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Suspending jerk bait and a largemouth bass. I was taking no chances at sinking another hook into me when yanking the hook out.

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Had a early morning fishing trip scheduled with a guy from work. I should have known better. He had already pulled a few stunts on hunting and fishing trips after being out on all niter's , But he had a boat and I didn't. Pulled up in his driveway and he was asleep at the wheel. Again I should have knew better but I really wanted to go fishing. I shoved him over to the passenger side hooked the boat up and off we go. I got the boat loaded and launched. A little fresh air and hair of the dog that had bit him and he had to go pee.I offered to pull the boat up on the the bank. He and the boat were both pretty unsteady. I got the "naw I'm alright I know how to piss off a boat ". Sure enough he fell in. Got the anchor rope wrapped around his ankle. He was splashing around and had went under several times before I got to him. I reached down grabbed him and pulled his head above water. He say's "What are you doing ? I'm OK I can get in the boat myself. " I turned him loose and let him go under a few more times before I got the rope off his foot. He was sober enough by now that he could keep his head above water and tried to get back in boat but kept falling back in. He Hollers "aren't you going to help me ? " I told him to stand up .We were only in 4 or 5 foot of water. Later on he had to take a dump. I put him off on a island and left his Butt there while I went and fished the other side of the island. After awhile I hear him yelling help Help someone come get me. I kept Fishing till he quit yelling. Went and checked on him he was sound asleep stripped down to his drawers. I left him till I got my limit of Crappie. Went and got him .He was red as a beet. His wife made him check into Rehab after the weekend.He never came back to work last I heard he'd moved to Fla.
WestTn Huntin man":29rb1y48 said:
Had a early morning fishing trip scheduled with a guy from work. I should have known better. He had already pulled a few stunts on hunting and fishing trips after being out on all niter's , But he had a boat and I didn't. Pulled up in his driveway and he was asleep at the wheel. Again I should have knew better but I really wanted to go fishing. I shoved him over to the passenger side hooked the boat up and off we go. I got the boat loaded and launched. A little fresh air and hair of the dog that had bit him and he had to go pee.I offered to pull the boat up on the the bank. He and the boat were both pretty unsteady. I got the "naw I'm alright I know how to piss off a boat ". Sure enough he fell in. Got the anchor rope wrapped around his ankle. He was splashing around and had went under several times before I got to him. I reached down grabbed him and pulled his head above water. He say's "What are you doing ? I'm OK I can get in the boat myself. " I turned him loose and let him go under a few more times before I got the rope off his foot. He was sober enough by now that he could keep his head above water and tried to get back in boat but kept falling back in. He Hollers "aren't you going to help me ? " I told him to stand up .We were only in 4 or 5 foot of water. Later on he had to take a dump. I put him off on a island and left his Butt there while I went and fished the other side of the island. After awhile I hear him yelling help Help someone come get me. I kept Fishing till he quit yelling. Went and checked on him he was sound asleep stripped down to his drawers. I left him till I got my limit of Crappie. Went and got him .He was red as a beet. His wife made him check into Rehab after the weekend.He never came back to work last I heard he'd moved to Fla.


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