Florida Gators 2015 Commitments!!

Twinshooter said:
Yeah, I wouldn't brag too much and I also would trust bama to have your back, remember all it takes is a second, don't believe me, then ask a War Eagle. HE HE HE. :)

I know I own you!!!!
THEdonkey0515 said:
G8rntn? What about who ever has the better final record wanna bet on that? Since you seem to be all about bets

I will take that for $100 if you will take the TN-UF game for $100... Loser pays both bets to TNDEER. BET???? Since Twin is scared!!!
G8rntn said:
Twinshooter said:
THEdonkey0515 said:
G8rntn? What about who ever has the better final record wanna bet on that? Since you seem to be all about bets
Gator mouth overload his puppy dog _ _ _! :) :grin: ;)

Unless you are gonna bet you keep your mouth shut!!! ;)
THEdonkey0515 called your bluff there gator tater! :whistle:
Twinshooter said:
THEdonkey0515 said:
G8rntn? What about who ever has the better final record wanna bet on that? Since you seem to be all about bets
Gator mouth overload his puppy dog _ _ _! :) :grin: ;)

I have been calling you out for weeks SON!!!! Says alot about you!!!! Better tuck that tail and shut it!!! ;)
Twinshooter said:
G8rntn said:
Twinshooter said:
THEdonkey0515 said:
G8rntn? What about who ever has the better final record wanna bet on that? Since you seem to be all about bets
Gator mouth overload his puppy dog _ _ _! :) :grin: ;)

Unless you are gonna bet you keep your mouth shut!!! ;)
THEdonkey0515 called your bluff there gator tater! :whistle:

HE is willing to do something u are too scared to do!! you are ALL TALK about EVERYTHING!!! You know what I mean also... ;)
Twinshooter said:
G8rntn said:
Twinshooter said:
THEdonkey0515 said:
G8rntn? What about who ever has the better final record wanna bet on that? Since you seem to be all about bets
Gator mouth overload his puppy dog _ _ _! :) :grin: ;)

Unless you are gonna bet you keep your mouth shut!!! ;)
THEdonkey0515 called your bluff there gator tater! :whistle:

Either you are slow or you are slow... hahahahahaha
I will take the final record bet only, florida is the better team u say. And TN has a pretty hard scuhdule, so it should be easy win for u right?
THEdonkey0515 said:
I will take the final record bet only, florida is the better team u say. And TN has a pretty hard scuhdule, so it should be easy win for u right?

UF plays @ BAMA, @ LSU, @ FSU, @ MIZZ, @ TN, SC, UGA... So I will take your bet and you can take mine. How are you gonna not bet on your own team and have to rely on other teams to do something TN cant do???? That's a cowardly bet IMO.
G8rntn said:
IT IS JULY, RIGHT???? Still taking bets on the TN-UF game if any of you boys wants to take me up on it. Have three so far in this thread that could take it if they have a pair. :)

Do I get the 7pts?
I really don't care about the florida TN game I mean yeah I hope TN wins but I could care less about 10 in a row and that crap. 1 game does not matter the final record does? I would rather bet bama next year with kiffen coming back to knoxville, then beat florida. But backing up my team saying they will finish with a better record the thing that really matters! Lol I don't see how that's cowardly?? I guess u have no faith in florida beening any good this year.
THEdonkey0515 said:
I really don't care about the florida TN game I mean yeah I hope TN wins but I could care less about 10 in a row and that crap. 1 game does not matter the final record does? I would rather bet bama next year with kiffen coming back to knoxville, then beat florida. But backing up my team saying they will finish with a better record the thing that really matters! Lol I don't see how that's cowardly?? I guess u have no faith in florida beening any good this year.

I just said I will take your bet if you do mine
NICHOLS3 said:
G8rntn said:
IT IS JULY, RIGHT???? Still taking bets on the TN-UF game if any of you boys wants to take me up on it. Have three so far in this thread that could take it if they have a pair. :)

Do I get the 7pts?

Why do need points if you think TN will in outright???
THEdonkey0515 said:
I really don't care about the florida TN game I mean yeah I hope TN wins but I could care less about 10 in a row and that crap. 1 game does not matter the final record does? I would rather bet bama next year with kiffen coming back to knoxville, then beat florida. But backing up my team saying they will finish with a better record the thing that really matters! Lol I don't see how that's cowardly?? I guess u have no faith in florida beening any good this year.

Like I said... You are going off of other teams to beat uf since TN wont!!! LOL@VOLFANS!!! Take both bets since you came up with one. It's just $200

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