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For or against


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2009
I wanted to get some opinions on something me and a few buddies have been talking about. Would you be for or against Tennessee having a archery only turkey hunt the week mon-fri between juvenile and regular opening of season. I know some states have a archery only season and I think it would be a great addition to the season.
No I would not support it. That each persons choice as to whether they wish to hunt with a gun or bow. I could care less what weapon someone uses, and with a season as long as ours we all have ample time to spend in the woods. I also, believe too many birds are wounded with bows to stand behind a bow only season, IMO it could lead to many folks who aren't proficient with a bow cripping birds, just so they can start their season earlier.

If you want to bow hunt, you have 6 full weeks, and 7 weekends now to do so, have at it.
Setterman said:
No I would not support it. That each persons choice as to whether they wish to hunt with a gun or bow. I could care less what weapon someone uses, and with a season as long as ours we all have ample time to spend in the woods. I also, believe too many birds are wounded with bows to stand behind a bow only season, IMO it could lead to many folks who aren't proficient with a bow cripping birds, just so they can start their season earlier.

If you want to bow hunt, you have 6 full weeks, and 7 weekends now to do so, have at it.

Good argument, but then why do we have a seperate archery season for deer? Why not have an open deer season. Seems like the same circumstances.
Sure, I will support most any season addition that wont harm the resource, and I guarantee you wont harm the Turkey flock with a bow!!
Setterman said:
No I would not support it. That each persons choice as to whether they wish to hunt with a gun or bow. I could care less what weapon someone uses, and with a season as long as ours we all have ample time to spend in the woods. I also, believe too many birds are wounded with bows to stand behind a bow only season, IMO it could lead to many folks who aren't proficient with a bow cripping birds, just so they can start their season earlier.

If you want to bow hunt, you have 6 full weeks, and 7 weekends now to do so, have at it.

X 3
No, for at least a part of Setterman's argument, which is, the season is long enough as it now stands, and anyone has ample time to hunt with the weapon of their choice. I don't think that the birds need to be harassed any more than they already are.
No, for at least a part of Setterman's argument, which is, the season is long enough as it now stands, and anyone has ample time to hunt with the weapon of their choice. I don't think that the birds need to be harassed any more than they already are.
Good argument, but then why do we have a seperate archery season for deer? Why not have an open deer season. Seems like the same circumstances.

I can see some similarities and honestly would have no issue with just deer season. No weapon breaks, just deer season.

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