In my opinion, he is scared. He was set up with realtree and was a champion of guided hunts and huge trophy leases. Anyone could have been successful in those situations. But hunters, myself included, grew weary of just another "UTV ride to the shooting house, and shoot a monster buck with a cool name hunt". Then the hunting show climate changed. Youtube brought forth real hunters and actual hunts on family land farms and public ground anyone could hunt. THP, DIY hunter and Catman (and hundreds more) portrayed hunting in its purest since- hunting pressured animals that anyone can hunt. He doesnt have the level of skill or patience to ride this wave. Hes an old news, a relic to a dying genre (RIP Jackie Bushman lol). So his overtop slogans like "bone collector" and "cant stop the flop", is a last ditch effort to grasp the diminutive fragment of the hunting segment that still sees him as relevant.