Found a shooter

Yes, just like this. You must not have as many coyotes and black headed buzzards as we do. My son shot a doe 3d ago, we stripped the meat off the carcass and drug it to the back of the farm. 2d ago he shot another doe. Again drug the carcass to the back of the farm. He took a pic of the carcass from the day before... completely stripped and looked just like this one except the tendons weren't dry yet. You don't want to leave a deer overnight on my farms... ive had coyotes on carcasses as soon as 30 minutes after leaving.

But regardless, deer was alive and healthy and on trail cam 11/30
Hate it but atleast there is closure on his life and no mysteries looking forward.

Yeah coyotes can clean a carcass quick. Several years ago, I shot a doe with a bow right at dark. Before getting down, I heard coyotes howl way down the hollow. Got down and trailed her a little ways and up ahead of me I could hear something rustling in the leaves. Fearing it was her, I backed out and came back the next morning about an hour after it got light. Got to her and there was nothing left of her but her head and hide. Couldn't find the carcass anywhere. I figured what I heard when tracking were those coyotes already on her within 45 minutes of me shooting. They were feasting on her 60 yards away when I backed out.
Yes, just like this. You must not have as many coyotes and black headed buzzards as we do. My son shot a doe 3d ago, we stripped the meat off the carcass and drug it to the back of the farm. 2d ago he shot another doe. Again drug the carcass to the back of the farm. He took a pic of the carcass from the day before... completely stripped and looked just like this one except the tendons weren't dry yet. You don't want to leave a deer overnight on my farms... ive had coyotes on carcasses as soon as 30 minutes after leaving.

But regardless, deer was alive and healthy and on trail cam 11/30