Frickin idiots on the lake!


Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2000
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Yeah.. I'm talking about myself.

Was fishing a ledge today. Boat was in 60ft water, casting to 10ft.

Caught a fish... got the hook out.. laid the rod down.. dealt with the fish... turned around to pick up my rod and it wasn't there. Apparently I laid it over the side of the boat.


I'm usually pretty careful about laying my rods down. I would love to have had a camera running to see what happened.

Another story..

I have one of the after market trolling motor nuts. On St Clair this week, I was idling on the big motor with the trolling motor down. I mean IDLING.. barely putting along.

I turned off the big motor and went up front and stepped on the trolling motor. Nothing. Boat wouldnt turn or move. I pulled the trolling motor out of the water and found that the prop was missing. Apparently there was enough counter rotation by idling with it down that it came off, along with the prop!

I had a spare prop and prop nut, so it was a quick fix. A hundred dollar bill down the drain though!
Been there done that! Actually the Quantum setup I lost I had found a few years earlier so I was even at that point.
My buddy yesterday decided to tie on a rattle trap to cover water faster than a jig. After he did, his reel (Penn battle 3) sounded like crap and wouldn't cast for anything. He spent 15 minutes looking everything over, pulling the spool to see if there was a loose piece of braid in the gears, etc. I asked him if he chipped one of the guides or missed a couple guides. Nope, he said. He finally gave up and started using his other rod.

I asked to see his rod and it took me about 15 seconds to see that when he changed lures, he somehow passed the end of his line TWICE through the eye at the rod tip! To be fair, it was hard to see that tiny braid and his eyes aren't what they used to be!
Lol...I know how you feel. And that ain't your first rodeo on the overboard rod is it?? 🤣 Been a few years since it's happened to me so I guess I'm overdue 🤷
Lol...I know how you feel. And that ain't your first rodeo on the overboard rod is it?? 🤣 Been a few years since it's happened to me so I guess I'm overdue 🤷
Lost one on Center Hill a few years ago. Marked the spot. Went back after the draw down months later and found it. Luckily it was in pretty shallow water in a pocket filled with bushes and it snagged in a tree.

Unfortunately they don't draw Percy Priest down enough to find this one!
I lost a shimano katana on a bass pro shop microlight on a cool october afternoon on the duck river. I had made 3 casts with the rig. About 150.00 down the drain. Oh well, thats why you carry extras.
I've snagged/caught several rods and reels over the years. None of them have been worth salvaging though...but no doubt, were lost in similar fashion to yours. Was at Hiwassee with my niece a few years ago and we were fishing two runs/troughs close to one another. She was walking over to me and stopped and picked up an ultralight rod and reel that was in the water. Hadn't been there long either. She rigged it up and fished with it the rest of the day. The only good one I've found was at Citico one year. I was at one hole and had just finished a limit and was leaving when I saw a rod and reel laying on the ground. Ended up being a 5'6 Fenwick rod with a Shimano 1000 size reel on it. It still had the plastic on the cork handles. I still have that one.
The very first "nice" baitcaster set up I ever had was a bass pro rod and reel combo.
Can't remember the exact set up, but it was in the $150 range. This was about 15 years ago.
Fishing with a buddy, and my son.
Saw some activity about 20 yards past my maximum casting distance, even with a rattletrap on.
Decided to try it anyway.
Rared back and let her go with all my might.

Man had moved to the front of the boat to get something out of the tackle box and I didn't know it.
It hit him, luckily, right on the thick part of his hat band, on the side of his head.
Ripped the rod out of my hand. I heard it hit the boat but I wasn't worried about it at the time.
Snapped the line and he was sitting there with the rattletrap on his head.
Scared the crap out of me.
He was fine so I bent over to get my rod and it was nowhere to be found.

Couple weeks later my wife told me to buy another one, so I did.
First trip with it I got snagged and was just pulling on it to move the back end of the boat over towards it and the rod snapped in half. :eek:

It was a long time before I bought the third one.
The wife and I were on Guntersville a couple of years ago fishing a pocket when she said "is that a rod?" Sure enough a nice setup was on top of a grass patch that was washed up in a tree on the bank. Had a wacky rigged worm hooked on the bait keeper. She loves her "Guntersville rod". No clue how someone lost it.

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