Frustrating not seeing deer

I've been out 4x and still haven't seen one deer

Cameras pick them up daily in spot I'm sitting

Have a ground blind set up

Hunted mornings 2x and late afternoon to dark others

How to stay patient and suggestions? Wanting to give up as it's not rewarding

I don't know your situation but if you can plant food plots. Use to struggle to fill my freezer. Now late October early November it's rare I don't see deer when I go to one of my plots
I am seeing them go one way, but then my camera ends, i did see scat. i suppose i need to move another camera to see which direction they go
Don't get me wrong I love trail cams. It's almost a separate hobby to me than my actual hunting. But sometimes my cameras just don't allow me to figure it out. In these cases, an observation sit is necessary. Try to get elevated so you can see a large area and stay several hundred yards back from where you think deer are. You goal is to just observe what the deer are doing, not actually kill one. Once you've obvseved, then you can move in for the kill.
why is everyone so anti spray? Reviews on amazon are through the roof, now I am confused. thanks
Scents can be good in the right situation, there's to many l many variables when using them. When you put a scent out is a smell that is not specifically a scent that they smell there and puts them on edge. Eliminating your scent and being stealthy will benefit you way more than any scent you put out. I like the acorn scent just after acorns stop being plentiful in hopes of tricking them to some fresh adorns hitting the ground a little late other than that forget every other scent out there. You can't go by reviews on scent there way to many variables, it's not like reading a review for a fishing reel or something
This was purely crazy scent elimination. This was a random set up on a bluff was not expecting her to come the way she did, she hung out there eating for 43 minutes out looks like she caught me but she didn't walked off down the bluff eventually. The wind was blowing right to her. I was only 2 feet off the ground which that day was the for st time I ever did that. What an intense almost hour


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I am seeing them go one way, but then my camera ends, i did see scat. i suppose i need to move another camera to see which direction they go
generally speaking although there are many many variable........deer tend to move out of thick cover (bedding areas) in the evenings in search of food. In the mornings, you will generally catch them trying to get back to the bedding areas. Do you have any thickets on the property you are hunting? If so, dont go into them but hunt the edges where you can watch for them coming in and out.

Don't go moving cameras at this point and time, that is spreading too much scent in your area that you are hunting. As others have stated, you want to slip in and slip out without disturbing much or walking all over the area you are watching
Don't go moving cameras at this point and time, that is spreading too much scent in your area that you are hunting. As others have stated, you want to slip in and slip out without disturbing much or walking all over the area you are watching
Unless you can move/monitor cameras directly from an ATV/UTV. I only place cameras where I can drive an ATV/UTV right up to them and work them without placing a foot on the ground. Works great, and deer never stop using the area because I've driven through. But as mentioned, I would not go walking around to move/monitor cameras.
why is everyone so anti spray? Reviews on amazon are through the roof, now I am confused. thanks
Only because most of that stuff is designed for hunters and not deer. I've watched deer react to it and it's not natural enough. The no scent spray is fine because it's mostly hydrogen peroxide and distilled water. It can't hurt but the estrus spray really doesn't work that well unless the deer is curious. Jmo
why are deer numbers so low in east tn, that is where I am located.

Had a biologist tell me years ago, that the soil on the plateau and eastward, is just not good enough to support the numbers of deer like there are in middle and west Tn. Middle and west Tn. being mostly farms and river bottoms. He went into more detail than that, mbut that's what I got out of it.
Had a biologist tell me years ago, that the soil on the plateau and eastward, is just not good enough to support the numbers of deer like there are in middle and west Tn. Middle and west Tn. being mostly farms and river bottoms. He went into more detail than that, mbut that's what I got out of it.
I'd add that terrain plays a factor as well. Where I hunt, we don't have massive open fields. All hills/mtns/hardwoods. As someone who uses a bow exclusively, it sets up well for me. That being said, you don't see large numbers. Long ago someone up this way prayed for patience for all the hunters in the area. If I ever meet that fella...