G5 Has a "Rage" Style Head for 2012...Looks Good

102 said:
If an archer is shooting a properly tuned bow. And arrow spine is matched properly, they fly GREAT.

My field points and Stingers fly the same.

And there are guys in our club who lose deer with poorley shot Stingers, Rages, AND about everything else.

They are a FINE broadhead. But the Company, Magnus, is UNREAL.

I have spoken with them several times over the last few years. They actually WANT you to send them back the used head. They apparently love the correspondence.

The company has really grown as well. And at the rate of their customer service and warranty backing, I imagine will continue to grow.

I actually started using them while they were still making heads "in thier garage".

I have bought nearly FORTY heads, have lost a few, and had nearly one hundred replaced.

I have tried to send them money a time or two and they just send the checks BACK.

I have NO affiliation with them.

They are simply a company that has earned my business and I HIGHLY recommend them and their product.

BTW, I have "converted" MANY other broadhead users and not ONE of the guys has had a problem.

Simply a GREAT value in these tough economic times.

I use the Stinger broadheads also ....very pleased with mine have not sent any pics/or blades in yet but its coming ....they fly awesome
I had a friend talk me into using some of them. Had more trouble finding deer with them than any head I ever used. He lost 3 deer the same year and now neither of us use them. They fly good but with the flat blade it seems the wound closes real easy and leaves very little blood. With the flat blade they also seemed to hit the ribs on a broadside shot and turn. On one kill perfect broadside shot hit just behind the shoulder and found the arrow in the guts. Now my wife took her first deer with one and made a perfect shot. With 43 lbs bow it entered between 2 ribs and exited between 2 ribs. Deer didn't go 30 yds. They have great warranty but I just didn't like the performance out of a faster bow. The reason I say that is because that friend that talked me into then never had any trouble till he got a new faster bow. I know it doesn't make sense but I have no better explanation.
I love Rage broadheads no matter what they say. Other companies can bash them all they want, but I know if I do my part, the Rage will leave a hole. If you shoot a lighter bow I would stick with a fixed head, but if you have the KE, they work great.