Gallatin shiw


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2015
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Went today to the artifact show. Mixed feelings about it. It was a pretty big show I guess, first one I've ever been to. Seemed like most of the people there were just in it to buy, sell, or trade. I've never done any of the 3, only have personal finds. Just seemed like a lot of repaired or just plain fakes but I'm no expert. Did any one else go or been to many shows? And am I right about it being kinda non personal finds? I get the fact that some people are just collectors and maybe have never even looked for an artifact but that just not me. Can someone enlighten me on these shows?
I have been to a "lot" of these shows around the state and in Kentucky over the past 35 or so years.
Most of the artifacts there are in collections that have been accumulated over the years, most have been bought.
There are always several people there selling and trading artifacts.
The majority of these are authentic but there is the possibility of a few being fakes or reproductions.
Very few display their own collection of personal finds.
I used to set up at these shows and would display only my collection of personal finds, I never sold any of my artifacts.
Relic collectors and dealers are a small tight nit group. Nobody would knowingly have a modern piece or fake because they'd be blackballed pretty fast.

Those high grade relics were NOT found walking a plowed field, I can guarantee you that lol. That's why they are so collectable...the laws now days prohibit the ways those type relics were obtained. So in other words...what is in collections to date, are pretty much all that will be found unless illegal methods are used to find more. You either have to buy the stuff or pretty much break the law to find it yourself. Cause you're not gonna find it walking a field or creek.
I was there today from about 9:30-1:30. I always go to visit friends and see some particular old artifacts that I've admired for years.

My thoughts are this.

I'm grateful to those collectors who take the time to display ( at their expense) their collections for me to enjoy, and thank God they are "curating" them for us. Lots of collections are donated to museums, never to be seen again, thrown away, or the latest fiasco, "repatriation". They are the last place these days that anyone's collections should end up IMO.

If it wasn't for those collectors, people like myself would seldom get to handle high end artifacts.

Do a few reproductions make their way into a few frames. Yes, but education is key to stopping it, and that's what most of us are about these days.

CSAS has a schedule of shows. My advice would be to attend some for a few years. You'll make friends there, and get to know some of those old collectors. I think you'll enjoy it.
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