They don't bother me. They're not taking anything from me. They're not hurting me. I don't assume any privacy while I'm on PUBLIC ground, so it doesn't bother me to walk in front of a camera. It's not like I'm dragging a dead prostitute to a shallow grave. That's what roadside ditches are for. All I'm doing is hunting and unless that camera blocks my shot, it's not in my way.
Cameras don't pattern deer. It doesn't work like that. If somebody hung a cell cam thinking they can know when to hunt a deer, they're going to be sorely disappointed. Chances are pretty good those cams hanging in the wide open for you to see are not looking for deer. They're monitoring hunting pressure. Knowing the number, frequency, and types of hunters using the place is handy when deciding whether to invest time hunting a spot or to check it off the list and move on.
I don't run cell cams and I rarely run a cam on public ground. When I do it's not a cell cam, and I learn everything I need to know within a week or two and remove the camera. I've never hung & left a stand on public. Just because I don't personally do that stuff doesn't mean I have a righteous position to be upset that somebody else does. I don't. I'm one of the many, many, many owners of that ground and they have as much right to use it the way they want as I do. If the high school marching band wanted to parade through a thicket at 7am November 2nd, nobody could stop them. It's public owned land. If you're going to let stuff bother you on public land then you're going to be a miserable hunter and should probably do what it takes to get your own land. Sure if you notice something illegal then report it, but then be done with it and press on. Don't let it irritate you. It's not worth the heightened blood pressure.