Garbage turkey hunt


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
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These are the folks that are supposed to be good influences to the new hunters. First of all, an 80 yard shot is complete stupidness. But what's worse is he shot the turkey as it was breeding a hen. So the hen probably flew off and died too.

This is a real tree video, people that have a lot of pull in the hunting community and this is a complete jack leg Moron.

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I had seen that on another forum as well. Yep that's what we are dealing with these days and they don't even see an issue with it.
PickettSFHunter":3sr2l64s said:
I had seen that on another forum as well. Yep that's what we are dealing with these days and they don't even see an issue with it.
I think it's just real tree begging for business. I have no problem with their camo, but have always been a mossy oak fan myself.
I will be for sure to never buy another real tree product of any kind.

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That was hard to watch, not only was the shot way too far but that hen looked hit to me. Why would you shoot that far in the first place but a gobbler breeding a hen at 80 yards. Absolutely unethical and ridiculous in my opinion. I can't believe they even posted that for people to see. People are actually watching some of these guys to learn how to hunt turkey. What amazes me is the fact that they had no problem with any of it.
Yeah, that's messed up. I'm a Mossy Oak fan myself. Bill Jordan needs to monitor his people better, and not let dumb crap be put online.
If I'm not mistaken the gobbler was facing away when shot as well lol. Them guys are a joke. They miss as many as they kill it seems. They def test the range of that TSS Now that I think about it idk why I even watch them lol. I always wind up shaking my head
Still almost twice as many likes as dislikes. Disgusting.
It's a near certainty that we just watched them kill a hen.
Single pellet to the gut, hen dies a slow death.

And, ANY (even superficial) wound causing bleeding,
hen is more likely to be scented, tracked, killed by coyotes or dogs,
especially while sitting on a nest.

Coyotes/dogs can smell even tiny quantities of blood a remarkable distance.

Realtree should be ashamed,
but they apparently have no shame,
nor do the care about hunting ethics.
Shame on them.
drake799":95ejkgh8 said:
Them guys are a joke.
They miss as many as they kill it seems.
This is a LACK of hunting ethics on display.
Wanton waste, as so much of what they fire upon,
just goes off and dies, un-recovered.
Not that they care, as they obviously don't.

Their tactics are more of poaching than hunting?
Similar mentality.
Not that they care.
I read some of the comments under the video. Most folks are bashing them. The hunter argues that the hen was not wounded because she flew off. The hunter him self has another video in where he shoots a bird then it flies off to a tree, and a few minutes later falls out and they find it. Likely same thing happened to this hen.
He sucks as a hunter and it's absurd that realtree even our that on video.

You can't tell me that TSS 9s at 80 yards was tight enough to not hit that hen? Not sure what load he was using, but I bet it was 700+ pellets flying down range with the same energy as a lead 5 or 4, so the hen definitely got peppered. Also, after the gobbler is shot, he isn't dead, watch him, his head is still up and eyes open. That means it wasn't even a head shot and instant death.

So many things wrong with turkey hunting these days. And I'm a decoy hater, but yugo like this is even worse than fanning.

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Here ya go.
Likely miss the first shot then the dummy shoots him twice flying through the woods. Likely hitting him some as he is flying. Very lucky to recover the bird.

I've shot a couple flying, but it was when I was young and dumb and didn't know any better.

The only time a flying turkey should be shot at is if you know he's wounded from the first shot.

Again, the people with big names like real tree are also bad influences for our sport.

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woodsman04":jj7th047 said:
IAlso, after the gobbler is shot, he isn't dead, watch him, his head is still up and eyes open. That means it wasn't even a head shot and instant death.

So many things wrong with turkey hunting these days. And I'm a decoy hater, but ****** like this is even worse than fanning.

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Poor tom, I noticed this as well. Seems they didn't show the follow up kill shot or the bludgeoning of the head to finish the bird off. Just severed the spine to paralyze him.

This is a great example of everything a hunter should not do all wrapped up in one. Fanning, check. Unethical shot distance, check. Poor shot angle, check. Disregard for collateral kill, check (that hen WAS hit by SEVERAL pellets based on her reaction after the shot before she flew).

I had seen some other vidoes with the same fellow. Pretty much the same tactics, kill at any cost mentality. No respect for the wild turkey. Embarrassing to share the spring turkey woods with people like this.
WTH man, no way I would have taken that shot TSS or not. I have yet to try TSS but I know that it throws great patterns but still. The yardage bothers me but the fact that I pretty sure he wounded another animal that will probably suffer is the most disgusting part to me. Bill Jordan should fire these ass clowns. Sorry for the language but it makes me mad when I see this type of behavior.

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I haven't watched the video. I have read everybody's comments.
I probably won't watch it, because it will just make me P.O.'d.
That's the problem with hunting today. They have to show a harvest for it to be considered a successful hunt.
These new generation turkey hunters are all about the numbers they can harvest by any means necessary.
All about the bragging rights they can put on video or social media. Absolutely zero respect for the animals or the habitats .
Makes me sick!
Social Media has made the average Americans IQ fall about 20 points. The whole infuencer thing just proves people can't think for themselves. Letting someone on instachat or facetwit that you don't know influence you I to anything just means you are a mouth breather and a lemming.

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Well they won't fire Phillip. His daddy is the one that manages Bills farms and been with him for years. Bills son is just as bad in some them videos they shoot first and ask questions later.... so many missed birds between them
Rakkin6":3rl1cwk0 said:
Social Media has made the average Americans IQ fall about 20 points. The whole infuencer thing just proves people can't think for themselves. Letting someone on instachat or facetwit that you don't know influence you I to anything just means you are a mouth breather and a lemming.

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no it hasn't made anyone dumber... social media has just shown the world how dumb some people really are.

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Whatever happened with knowing your target? They admit they thought the gobbler was in strut and didn't realize he was breeding a hen until after she flew off. Even if that's the case why they think taking an 80 yard shot at a turkey in strut is a good idea is beyond me.