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Gators Are Afraid Of Competiion !Facts Dont Lie!


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2002
Reaction score
Middle Tn
Here are the best non-conference matchups for 2015-2019.As you can see the Vols have 3 games-Vols vs Oklahoma,Vols vs Virginia Tech,Vols vs West Virginia.The Gators only have 1 game listed in 5 years.They are afraid of competition in non-conference unless its against cupcakes lol!!!They also want to play most all of their games in the state of Florida!lol!!

http://www.sportingnews.com/ncaa-footba ... n-matchups
I've been following SEC football for well over a quarter century now and the title of this thread would've been a good conversation starter in any of those years.
farmin68 said:
I've been following SEC football for well over a quarter century now and the title of this thread would've been a good conversation starter in any of those years.

Still Is!!
I guess playing FSU and now adding Miami to there non-conference schedule is no big deal.

Let's look at the brass tacks of this. Tn biggest rival have been in state Vandy and border state KY. The only reason TN wanted to create FL as a rival is because of competition. We know how that has worked out... :)
Funny you dont like facts Gator,did you even look at the link I provided as proof.Even when Tennessee is down they will still play anyone.Florida State in the past has not had much to speak of,that why Bobby Bowden stepped down as I'm sure you know.
Wrangler95 said:
Funny you dont like facts Gator,did you even look at the link I provided as proof.Even when Tennessee is down they will still play anyone.Florida State in the past has not had much to speak of,that why Bobby Bowden stepped down as I'm sure you know.

First of all I don't need a link to tell me that teams make their schedules years in advance. Second of all teams don't know if they or other teams will be up or down every year..... FL plays FSU every year for the last 50 + years. TN schedules one good non-conference game a year and it's now a big deal.... FL for years would play Miami and FSU in their hay days as non-conference games.

My kool-aide is not that orange and my glasses aren't orange tinted... by the way VA Tech has not been anybody to brag about lately.... :)

It's now only a big deal because TN is not that good... In TN hay days these non-conference games would mean nothing and fans wouldn't be making it a big deal.... :)

They could of put FL vs FSU on every year.... How many SEC teams can say their biggest rival is out of Conference, play every year, and won several N/C....... Waiting for an answer.... :)
Deer Assassin said:
Wrangler95 said:
Deer Assassin said:

DA,I believe the Vols beat South Carolina last year and the Vols were terrible!!

spurrier wanted to throw one for ya so yall wouldnt fire ole butch

Even bad team can get lucky... Ask Ga. SO....... :D Or ask UT how a 4-8 FL team beat them.... :)
gator-n-buck said:
I guess playing FSU and now adding Miami to there non-conference schedule is no big deal.

Let's look at the brass tacks of this. Tn biggest rival have been in state Vandy and border state KY. The only reason TN wanted to create FL as a rival is because of competition. We know how that has worked out... :)

That's not the 'brass tacks of this.' That is nothing but an attempt to spin the conversation away from the initial post.
Wrangler is worse than Twinshooter!!!! This guy has to be letting his son play with his phone. Hahahaha good lord this guy has no clue about football!!!! Makes a perfect Vol fan.
farmin68 said:
gator-n-buck said:
I guess playing FSU and now adding Miami to there non-conference schedule is no big deal.

Let's look at the brass tacks of this. Tn biggest rival have been in state Vandy and border state KY. The only reason TN wanted to create FL as a rival is because of competition. We know how that has worked out... :)

That's not the 'brass tacks of this.' That is nothing but an attempt to spin the conversation away from the initial post.

That is what Gator does when you present facts to him that makes Florida look bad.He will try to twist and turn the facts to benefit the Gators.Like I've said before,facts dont lie.Here is another fact Gator,3 of the Gators nonconfeence games this year are teams that only won 9 games total last year.lol!!The Vols play 3 nonconference games this year against teams that won 25 games total last year and won two conference Championships!!
That is what Gator does when you present facts to him that makes Florida look bad.He will try to twist and turn the facts to benefit the Gators.Like I've said before,facts dont lie.Here is another fact Gator,3 of the Gators nonconfeence games this year are teams that only won 9 games total last year.lol!!The Vols play 3 nonconference games this year against teams that won 25 games total last year and won two conference Championships!!

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