Can't blame Dobbs for this one. Without him, we wouldn't have scored. Yes Dormady is a much better passer, but with this OLine, you can't throw from flat on your back.
The in-game coaching is sub-par. There is no spinning it. As mentioned, the players deserve better. Hurd, Dobbs, and most of the defense left their blood, sweat, and tears on that field and deserved to walk away with a W.
I feel bad for Medley. He had been shaky this season, and those two earlier kicks were huge. I heard the whistle blow on the first attempt, and just knew that he was gonna make the game winner. And I thought it was going to hook in at the last moment. When it didn't, it just put icing on the cake for one of the most stressful days I have ever had.
BTW, Butch isn't going anywhere. We just have to hope that he can improve. He will recruit well enough to win 8-9 games a year with an occasional BIG win. And we will just have to live with it.
Oh well, congrats Gators. We'll get you next year