Getting a Bird Dog - Talk Me Out of It!

I vote for getting the dog! They are tons of fun and will give you an excuse to go north for grouse and woodcock or west for pheasant, quail and other birds in the fall. The well bred bird dogs I have had in the past have been easy to train. I'm partial to German Shorthaired Pointers because of their drive, energy and versatility. They are a lot easier to train to retrieve as well. The one I have now is the best grouse dog I have ever owned and he is a natural retriever. I have owned setters and English pointers too. I loved my English pointers, but I didn't care for the maintenance on the setters. I was always dealing with burs and ice between their toes. I'd highly recommend finding someone who breeds dogs to do what you want (sounds like you have that covered). There are no guarantees with pups, but I haven't ever had a bad one from well bred parents. Of course, some will be better than others. All of the GSPs, pointers and setters I have owned were very loyal, loving and great with kids. The GSP I have now doesn't have an off switch, so he can be a lot in the house if he isn't worn out from hunting, but we knew that going in (breeder said he was their "wild child", but he fell asleep on my wife's lap and the rest is history).
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I haven't ever had a bad one from well bred parents.
I've had a Springer that was loaded top and bottom with FC, AFC and CFC and it was just too much, he has so much drive he was impossible to deal with, at least for someone my age and experience. The breeder bought him back from me and he went to a shooting preserve in Texas.
I then looked for one with "cooler" blood and found one in Arkansas. This one has been great, a joy around the house and fun to train.
The first one wasn't "bad" but was a bad fit for me. So be sure to see the parents and know what you are getting, get references and call them.