Getting concerned


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2004
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Jamestown, TN
Shouldnt we have poults by now? Im thinking so but am unsure. All hens Ive been keeping a close eye on on my place have 0 so far. Maybe Im just jumping the gun?
I have heard several reports from reliable sources about hens with poults in middle and east TN.
On a farm i got permission to hunt in carter county this past weekend seen two hens with at least 20 little ones with them walking through a field we drove up the road by them prolly 10 yards away the hens didn't even care about us
I don't get overly concerned about seeing or not seeing poults. Last year we had poults all over us, more than I have seen in years. They were with us til the end of deer season. Then when the turkey season rolled around, I thought that our population of birds was down from most years. They move around during the year, and I assume that our birds became someone else's birds come season time. All I can do is provide habitat as good as possible and let the chips far where they may. Maybe your poults will become mine when the season rolls around in 2012. lol
Seen two hens with 9 or 10 poults a peice saturday morning, in coalfield, tn. for anyone that knows where that is
CAMARO12 said:
But when you are seeing a lot of hens without poults this time of year, you become suspicious as to why that is???
I went down to one farm I hunt and seen multiple hens just wondering around with no poults. Reason was their nest were destroyed when hay cutting started. Owner said he probably went over at least a dozen nest plus killed 2 fawns during the process. I think that does more to hurt the turkey population in agriculture areas than anything else! :mad:
Saw a hen with seven poults on Sat at our place in Wayne County. Also, found a very fresh, unhatched egg turkey egg laying in the middle of dirt road. It wasn't there the previous Sat, or I'd ran over it....

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