I have three basic ways I use cameras. First is year round on static sites like mineral, water, certain plots, heavy travel intersections, etc.
Second is seasonal such as scrapes, plots, rut corridors and pinches, mast trees, etc. I hang in late summer and take down after season.
Last but certainly not least are fluid. I might be scouting or hunting and find something I want a better look at. For instance I found a hawthorn apple I didn't previously know existed so I hung a camera to see when it dropped and if deer came to it. Or I might find a random scrape that pops up. Anything I normally wouldn't be monitoring but want a better look at. Those cameras can go up anytime and stay until I'm satisfied I got the intel I wanted.
IMO how a camera is used determines when it goes up and comes down. Everybody has their own specific criteria so there's no way I could tell anybody else how they should use a camera, nor could they tell me. And not every camera is for the same purpose. The information you're trying to gain dictates when you set it up and take it down.