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Gibson county lake


Well-Known Member
2-Step Enabled
Nov 19, 1999
Anyone fished it lately?
I'm thinking about giving it a shot tomorrow for the first time this year.
I still got a dream of a rematch with the one that got away last year.

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Naw, I haven't been yet, but give us a report if you go. I was thinking of running up there in the next week or two.
There're some hosses in that lake.
Bass are in the 9-12 ft range and bream are around 3 in the back bays. Cats are spawning shallow with the bream and I've gotten them on worms and crickets. I'm gonna check out the rip rap levee tomorrow. I got a dandy of a 24 inch bass on cut bluegill from a jug there a couple weeks ago. Line was about 4 foot down and was just off of the deep soil bank to the right of the boat ramp after the little island. Curious to hear how you did.
Well we didn't do too well at all.
My son caught one small bass on a fluke up on the bank.
I got one bite on a lizzard close to that little island.

He isn't a big deep water fan but we tried it for a couple hours with no luck.

We threw flukes, whacky worms, jigs, brush hogs, 12" culprit worms, rattle traps and some deep diving crank baits.

Looks like the water was very high compared to other times I have fished there and going by the ditches and stuff it looked like the area had received alot of rain lately. Dunno if that had any bearing on it or not.

I only saw one other bass caught the entire time we were there.
I did see one boat with a man and two kids catch a few catfish.

Fun time and I still love fishing there but I just ain't good enough of a bass fisherman to do it right there very often.
Zulu":1dxfpfll said:
Sorry you didn't have better luck, but a bad day fishin' beats a good day workin' any way you look at it.

Yep like I say on trips like this:
Fishing was GREAT !
Catching,,, not so much. ;)
My dad and I went out today in my modified scanoe. I hooked what looked to be a 5lb'er on my first cast to some swirls to the extreme left of the rip rap in a little cutout. I say looked like because he threw my jig on his first jump. I got excited and forgot to keep my rod tip down and off he went. The rest of the day was a bust. We threw cranks, jigs, blue flecked texas worms, and a chartrues curly tail. Not a single bump. Some days, that lake is hot, others, it is tough fishing. I may break out the fly rod and try to bust some beam at lake grahm next time. A fellow at the boat ramp said they caught about 45 bream with 30 keepers off of worms. Sounds like I was wrong in thinking that they are already off the nests.